|  |  | Vallarta Living | October 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Celebrated author, artist and altruist, Peter Gray, passed away on Wednesday, September 24, 2008. We extend our condolences to any family or friends reading this for their loss. | | Peter Gray was such a dear. Buri is such a dear. As Nacho Cadena once wrote, "Together they are a treasure, a chest filled with joy." Polly Vicars says, "Artist, writer, businessman, philanthropist are words easily and appropriately associated with the name Peter Gray. But the word that always comes into my mind for Peter is friend."
 I have been writing about Peter, and Buri attached a note to Peter's information. Buri lovingly says, "He is definitely a modern version of a Renaissance man. He paints beautifully, but let me say that he writes even better - he is an incredible writer. (I also studied French and English literature, so I have an idea.) He is often approached by younger and our age men and women for advice on many subjects. He is an honest, ethical, generous person always ready to help. He is a positive and just man who values and respects life and nature. He is always trying to learn new things and encourages people to always self-improve. He has a great sense of humor (sometimes a bit English and I need a bit of 'help'). It has been wonderful to have married him and learned so much from him in all regards. He has definitely enriched my life. I sometimes joke and say I wish I could clone him. If it were possible, I know he would make many women and male friends' lives better."
 The lovely memorial service for Peter was at the Botanical Gardens. We celebrated Peter's life, under a canopy of trees. During the service, a chorus of cicadas sang, and drops of water (perhaps tear drops) fell through the trees. We all were able to reminisce during a buffet at the Gardens.
 I am so moved by profiles I am receiving for a writing project. They are just incredible in some cases. The cross-section of persons in Puerto Vallarta and the Banderas Bay area are outstanding. My jaws dropped concerning some of their credentials, some of their courage, and how extensively they help this community in their thoughtful ways. I also am stunned by what some have to say about Puerto Vallarta. Talk about openness and honesty. You will get to read all of this months and months from now. Thank you to these wonderful persons who are being so helpful and generous. Why I love living here.
 We will keep updating to publication, with all of the changes taking place in various sectors in the Vallarta area.
 Thirty-two artists have been displayed at the Westin Resort. In a contest by Sojourn Magazine and the Westin, Ada Colorina won first prize with her painting, "The Spirit of Puerto Vallarta." It will be featured on the cover in the 2009 January-March edition of Sojourn. A feature article on her career also will be published. I saw artist Marta Gilbert on the street who told me about this exhibition. Marta is busy getting ready for her November show of her works, including jewelry.
 Santa Barbara Theater will be the location of a Christmas play this year. Tryouts are on October 6 and 7 from 4-7 pm at Santa Barbara Theater, Olas Altas 351. Various crew members also are needed. For further information, call the theater at (322) 223-2048 or email tjhartung(at)gmail.com.
 Xocodiva Artisan Chocolates, Rudolfo Gomez 111, is open now. Thank heaven!
 Mama Dolores' Diner on Olas Altas (across the street from the Blu salon) is open again with Jeff and Rob as new owners.
 Notice neighbors are putting up security lighting and reinforcing some of their residences and businesses. Plenty of hammering and sawing around town as we get ready for high season again.
 Reports are out that the average price of food in Mexico had doubled during the past 12 months.
 Mexico had 73 million mobile phone users at the end of June. A national database of mobile phone users in Mexico is being proposed legislatively to help combat crime committed using cell phones. The bill comes as the government tackles a wave of violent crime in this country.
 The road south to the Botanical Gardens and elsewhere is filled with potholes and what seems to be almost gulches. Give yourself plenty of driving time wherever you are going.
 Mexico's government plans to search one out of every 10 vehicles entering the country from the US. Most illegal weapons come from the US. The Associated Press reports many end up in the hands of powerful drug cartels who supply most of the cocaine entering the US from South America. In general, only law enforcement officers or military personnel can legally possess guns in Mexico. Plenty of illegal possession obviously.
 All of us who know Larry and Linda Palmquist of Bucerias are thinking of them at this time.
 Fortunately, I usually am going out when The Young and the Restless comes on television. I do know characters in the soap opera have flown into the Puerto Vallarta airport and moved on to Bucerias for some drama - only in the soap opera. The main setting is a bar. The scenes seem stereotypical. The producers/directors apparently haven't been to Bucerias recently. Undoubtedly is a Los Angeles setting.
 What a loss also with the death of Paul Newman. Am sure I wasn't the only one with a crush on Paul Newman over the years!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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