|  |  | Vallarta Living | December 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Denver actress Alex Ryder, who performs in Vallarta, married Denver businessman Gary Schnell on Thanksgiving Day. |  | We lost a dear friend, Sally Conley, to so many of us... and a dear friend to the communities of El Pitillal and Puerto Vallarta. Many are expressing their feelings. Maria Jose Zorrilla Alcala praises Sally for her dedication to Los Mangos Public Library. Sally also had her lovely children's library.
 Chickie Alter says, "Sally will be remembered as a hero of PV... she embraced all that was generous. Her absence will be felt daily by our two communities. May she rest peacefully knowing she did well in serving her purpose in life. I mourn with all of you."
 Many persons enjoyed lectures of "Mexican History and Culture" last season. Once again Daniel Grippo, Ph.D, a really nice guy, will offer two lecture series, five weeks each on Friday mornings, at the International Friendship Club (IFC). They begin January 16, ending March 27, with a one-week break between the two series. Daniel doesn't have specific titles yet for the series. The IFC will have more information and series passes for sale by late December.
 A free cultural guide on "Vallarta Art and Life" is available at the Tourism Office on the central plaza. Postcards are included inside the guide.
 Miguel Escontria, guitarist and singer, has a new CD out called, "Inolvidable." email miguelescontria(at)hotmail.com. This CD and others of Miguel's are available at Ambiance by Marcia, Constitucion 347. Tel: 322-222-8554.
 Tango lover Pat Henry has arrived back in Vallarta from dancing the nights away in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She immediately then was off to Guadalajara with Carol Anne Anderson to take in decorations, shopping and other activities.
 Direct from New Zealand, Maggie Stoffels, a former Vallarta resident, is here for a visit. Welcome!
 Denver actress Alex Ryder, who performs in Vallarta, married Denver businessman Gary Schnell on Thanksgiving Day. He also manages Alex's shows.
 Two coffee shops on Rodolfo Gomez are popular on the south side. Along with drinks, very nice Scott Hall's Coffee Cup, Rodolfo Gomez 146, has great sandwiches. He also has a Coffee Cup in Marina Vallarta. Dee's Coffee Company, Rodolfo Gomez 120, has drinks, sandwiches and scrumptious desserts. I buy pies there, especially cherry pie. While eating it, I keep losing weight! A lot of walking might help. Owner busy Dee Rindt says she sold a lot of pies for Thanksgiving. Both coffee shops have free Internet with purchases.
 The wonderful Artisan Bakery, Morelos 805, is offering an Italian bread for the holidays. A little like a fruitcake, I think. To order, call 322-222-4979. Their cinnamon rolls are yummy good.
 The new tour company, Beyond Vallarta, in partnership with the International Friendship Club (IFC), is getting underway with a bang. Upcoming trips include in January, two-day trips to the Sierra Madre mountain towns of Mascota, Talpa de Allende and Tequila. A seven-day trip to Mexico's Copper Canyon is scheduled at the end of January. Jeana Dunphy and Bret Buskrud do a terrific job with their years of experience. For further information, call Jeana at 044-322-132-5126 or call the IFC at 322-222-5466.
 Enjoy the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra and the Vallarta Chamber Choir on Sunday, December 14, at 8:00 pm at the Colegio Americano (American School) in the Marina Vallarta area. For further information about the concert, click HERE or call Mary MacLachlan at 322-134-8855.
 Kathy Overly is busy with new projects these days besides catering. She is training and teaching in the food field.
 Last week was tumultuous at Santa Barbara Theater. Certain shows have not been doing well with lip synching... and repeat shows from other years. Frankly, apparently some persons made things that perhaps were not their business... their business. A meeting of some theater performers took place at a restaurant where the owner was not pleased with what happened there. Apparently some fairly loud badmouthing of those theater persons not invited. As of this writing, gone are Paul Guerrero and Federico Fonseca. Sylvia, out front at the theater, who called the meeting behind the owner's back, the owner being Ann Marie Daminus, also is gone. Ann Marie has shows lined up, and the Broadway Cafe upstairs should be open soon. I am waiting for what sounds like good food.
 While waiting at a doctor's office for our eye appointments, Barbara and Jack Roberts of Sayulita are so friendly, and we've talked up a storm.
 Len's fourth anniversary bash of blu salon was very nicely presented. It looked like a New York fashion show, adding the Dirty Bitches from Blue Chairs, along with drag numbers. Some beautiful clothing and hair decorations. Then there were the bare chests of guys!
 Lots of music these days at Ritmos Beach Cafe at the south end of Los Muertos Beach. Plenty of evening entertainment for sure.
 Contemporary art is featured at Galeria Vertice, Vallarta 179, a very open exhibition area.
 Darla and Ernie Fowler introduced us to her sister and husband, Marlene and John Breitenbach from Houston for an early Thanksgiving dinner. It was enjoyable to talk with Helen and Oscar Haglund of Vallarta who in earlier years took their children with them to Tahiti, Bora Bora and elsewhere. They faced storms with 40-feet waves at times.
 Author and Ph.D psychologist Linda Trapp is an excellent presenter of seminars as with a recent seminar in Vallarta. She has presented more than 3,000... so she does know what she is doing. She lived in Ethiopia for a period of time as an educator during turbulent times there.
 Linda loves the continent of Africa as do I. How paths cross here. I am working on a human rights writing project featuring an outstanding woman from Ethiopia. Linda also loves the film, Out of Africa, on television every now and then. As a woman living in another country, I see how strong author Isaak Denison was in the World War I time. She had tough decisions to make, as we as women often do. I also think of Jimmy Vanderschur from Vallarta and California who volunteers in African countries with building projects.
 This time of year we acknowledge Vera Faulk, an 80-year-old plus bundle of energy who has been leading efforts of hospitality for 30 plus years to persons living in the vicinity of the city dump. She once worked in a clinic in Kenya. We cannot say enough thanks to her.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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