|  |  | Vallarta Living | December 2008  
Becas Posada - A Joyful Event!
Mary Megin de Franco - PVNN

| Members arrange the goodies | 
| Filling the whimsical piñata | 
| Becas Members sign in each scholarship student | 
| The grounds at Los Mangos Biblioteca were filled with scholarship students ready to party | 
| Becados read their annual newsletter | 
| Barbara Poindexter hands out certificates of honor to students who achieved a grade point average of 9.5 or above | 
| Treasurer Cuquita Preciada ties on the blindfold for the piñantas | 
| President Mariel de Fregoso leads the singing | 
| Becas members |  | Many Becas members and friends met at the Los Mangos Library in the mid-afternoon of December 6 to prepare for the Posada that would honor the 250+ scholarship students (Becados) of Becas Vallarta A.C.
 Several of us sorted a variety of fruit, candies, cookies and nuts to be included in a gift bag for every student. We were quite an assembly line sharing laughter and meeting new Becas volunteers while filling the great number of bags. We also stuffed the beautiful and colorful piñatas with goodies for a fun event to take place later in the day when some of the students, blindfolded, would re-enact a time honored Mexican tradition by breaking open the clay piñatas followed by a rush of students picking up the treats.
 Other preparations were being performed by Becas members from setting up hundreds of chairs loaned to us by Corona thanks to Carlos Fregoso, president of America-Mexico Foundation, Inc. to arranging the sound system and music; assembling food and holiday gift tables and, importantly, having the Certificates of Achievement ready for presentation.
 Through the many years of holding an annual Posada for the Becados much has been stored and organized thus there was a remarkable air of efficiency and goodwill in having everything in readiness for a successful and fun afternoon.
 Becas members, Alfredo Franco and Linda Wirth, were the photographers and they certainly clicked away during the many events of the day. The afternoon flew by from the moment the students registered to the closing of the posada after Becas members served the many students the most delicious tamales I have ever tasted. The tamale chef par excellence, Señor Sergio, made 600 chicken tamales and I am certain there was not one remaining.
 After Alfredo and I returned to our casa on Saturday we had such a feeling of joy for having participated in the fiesta honoring our gifted Becados. What a delightful assembly of young people gathered to have fun and to be acknowledged for their superior scholastic achievements.
 As Becas Vallarta president, Mariel de Fregoso, with the assistance of other Becas members, called upon the highest achievers of 9.5 or above grade point average to come to the podium and receive an Award Certificate signed by the Mayor of Puerto Vallarta, I had a deep feeling of satisfaction for the privilege of being a member of this not for profit organization. Its mission is to provide scholarships to Puerto Vallarta students in junior high, high school and university who maintain a grade point average of 8.5 out of a possible 10, and whose families are financially challenged.
 These gifted students are also active and give back to their communities. Personally, I can proudly relate to our godson, Omar Reynoso, who is a graduate of Preparatoria Regional De Puerto Vallarta (high school) and is now a student of Engineering at Guadalajara University, Vallarta campus.
 Omar is a gifted and loving young man with great devotion to his family and community. It was a double treat for Alfredo and me to be with Omar at the Posada as we had the opportunity to exchange hugs and wish him a Happy Birthday. Omar is just one example of the quality of the Becados who are superior achievers in their educational pursuits as well as being outstanding citizens of Puerto Vallarta.
 My feeling of being involved with such a worthwhile local organization continued on Sunday morning. I brought tickets with me to church service with the hopes of selling some for the Becas Breakfast on December 10 at the River Café, as well as tickets for the BECAS BALL on March 5, 2009 at the Hotel Westin Resort & Spa.
 I want to send many thanks to Father Jack Wehrs, rector of the Iglesia Cristo del Mar (Anglican Church of Mexico) for his help. He has been a wonderful supporter of Becas. He and his wife, Shirley, have bought tickets to every breakfast this year and have already purchased tickets to the Becas Ball.
 After service, Father Jack encouraged the congregation to support Becas and asked me to speak about it. More thanks to the generosity of those in attendance as I sold all my remaining tickets for the December 10 Becas Breakfast and completed the sales of a table for 10 at the Becas Ball. What a feeling of satisfaction.
 In closing, I want to say we are all working to raise funds in order to sustain this incredible almost 50 year old organization that has been helping to educate bright, ambitious Puerto Vallarta young people who simple do not have the economic means to reach their education goals.
 To that end we are soliciting Becas Compadres who will make a contribution of $5000 USD or more and hopefully will make that donation an annual event. When one does become a Compadre this very special group of corporate or personal donors are recognized at the annual Becas Ball and in gratitude, they are offered a table for ten at the gala event. Several wonderful members and friends of Becas Vallarta have become Becas Compadres this year and I salute each and every one of them.
 Becas warmly welcomes and encourages corporations and individuals to become Comadres or Compadres. Please call Polly Vicars (322) 223-1371 or Mary Megin de Franco at 222-8203 for additional information about this special donor category.
 See you at the Becas Breakfasts and at the GALA EVENT of the year, The Crystal Ball, March 5th, 2009.
  To learn more about Becas Vallarta, click HERE or visit BecasVallarta.com. If you would like to volunteer or make a tax deductible donation, please call Polly Vicars at 011-52-322-223-1371 or Buri Gray at (322) 221-5285, or send an email to becasvallarta(at)gmail.com. |

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