Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| The birthday party for Banana Cantina's Debbi Egan was lively, to say the least. |  | Listen, "they" can write nasty, malicious letters about me as a journalist or as a person any day!
 Resounding support from many of you as readers is astounding to me and appreciated very much. Thank you for coming up to me on the streets, in restaurants, at gatherings, offering prayers, emailing and phoning concerning the attacks on me in reporting about the cruelty perpetuated on Santa Barbara Theater owner Ann Marie Danimus by some in local community theater.
 You said, "We are with you, they are jealous and envious, they got caught, their malicious letters say something about them, keep going for it, and we like to read you. Keep it up."
 Thoughtful Patrick Harrison, an M Hotel PR honcho, was so kind in seeking me out to talk. International seminar speaker Darla Fowler, founder of Wise Wo-men in Vallarta, and her husband, Ernie, are always there with their support and love. Dear, dear Gil Gevins, famed local humorist who has received his share of hate mail because of his column, quoted Shakespeare to me, including from Much Ado About Nothing. So many of you have been so concerned for me, and have been so kind. Why I love living here. Thank you.
 With the supportive and thoughtful editor, Allyna Vineberg, who knows something about hate here, too, PV Mirror is truly becoming a real newspaper, reporting good and bad, and sometimes needing to report the awful actions of our neighbors in our own community.
 The editor of BanderasNews.com says, "We hope 2009 will bring more understanding, love and acceptance to our little community. And if (heaven forbid) it doesn't, we'll just have more to write about and publish."
 Author, architect and sailor Doug Danielson, founder of the Vallarta Writers Conference, greeted me at Writers Group with, "Who are THESE PEOPLE?" Sadly, many of us know them in various aspects of our lives. Maybe 20 or so in their own way were involved somehow concerning the theater owner... from penniless actors to Conchas Chinas dwellers. Plus all of the gossip and back stabbing around town.
 Are you asking WHY? You have your thoughts. I have mine. In the expatriate community, cliques who consider themselves exclusive, operate. It got out of hand this time, excuse my academics, with pathology in the sociology of our community that resulted in this cruelty. Megalomania exists widely here with some of the kinds of persons attracted to Vallarta. Defined as "a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur."
 We hope readers support courageous Ann Marie Danimus, the Santa Barbara theater owner, by attending shows, eating Broadway Cafe's fabulous-sounding food, and if you can, helping as a volunteer at the theater, email: contact(at)santabarabaratheater.com.
 Back to the wonderful persons of Vallarta.
 Registration is open for scholar Daniel Grippo's popular lectures on Mexican history and culture. "A Literary Expedition Through Mexican History and Culture," begins January 16, for five weeks. "A Brief History of Mexico" begins February 27, running for five weeks. Registration is from 9 am - 1 pm, Monday - Friday at the International Friendship Club (IFC), Libertad and Miramar, Tel: (322) 222-5466. A portion of the registration supports IFC charities in the community.
 Xocodiva's fudge is here! You can try macademia nut, chocolate, chocolate nut and maple. The macademia nut fudge is part of my diet now! The lovely store is located at Rodolfo Gomez 111.
 It was lovely to see Buri Gray downtown the other day. Peter Gray will be remembered at the Becas Ball on March 5th. For information, email Polly Vicars at phvicars(at)gmail.com.
 All kinds of spectacular events are happening in the new year at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens. Noche de las Luminarias is January 16th, the U.S. Inaugural Celebration all day at the Gardens on January 20th, and Vallarta's Flower & Garden Show is February 24 - March 1. For information, email: bobinpvmex(at)yahoo.com.
 The birthday party for Banana Cantina's Debbi Egan was lively, to say the least. Jorge Tocosta provided spectacular music, and Paco Ojeda did some dance steps that definitely needed interpretation. Debbi received everything from angel's wings to spa items to wrinkle cream. Debbi does so much for charity through her restaurant.
 Jean-Pierre Renucci came bounding out of his gorgeous Corsica Art Gallery on Leona Vicario the other day as I was walking by. Jean-Pierre is spending considerable time these days at his art gallery in Los Cabos.
 Sewing machines are needed for women in one of the nearby villages. If you can help, please email Philippa Vernon-Powell at pvp(at)newlifemexico.com.
 Some lovely holiday parties included Yvonne Kalman's at her beautiful home for the SPCA. The Belmar Hotel had a beautiful gathering. Artist and writer Jean Hearth provided a cozy way to spend Christmas Day evening with crumpets, custard, fruit and lots of champagne. New Year's Eve fireworks were spectacular from Ernie and Darla Fowler's high-up marina terrace.
 The International Friendship Club (IFC) has many activities planned for the New Year. Inquire at 322-5466. Monday night movies begin January 6 at 7 pm. Enjoy a movie, popcorn and possibly winning a door prize, all for $35 pesos! Beyond Vallarta tours continue. House and Garden Tours also continue on Wednesdays and Thursdays, sponsored by the IFC.
 Put Wednesday morning, January 14, at 10 am on your calendar for "The Magnificent Migration" of the whales, presented by Keith May and Oscar Fry, at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. Standing-room only presentation.
 I am off to the U.S. for Inauguration events, National Press Club activities, doing research for a book, and visiting family and friends. And, no, as Len of blu says when he leaves town, I am not getting a face lift... or fleeing the country! Will look forward to seeing you when I return from the North!
 To a good New Year for all of you!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |