Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Happiness reigned as Patrice White and Donald Tarkenton were married, overlooking beautiful Banderas Bay, on December 28th, 2008. |  | Happiness reigned as Patrice White and Donald Tarkenton were married on December 28th, overlooking beautiful Banderas Bay. Close friends and family gathered around the couple. Sybil Breitweiser is the mother of the bride. A huge fun-filled reception followed on January 1 with so many happy for Patrice and Donald.
 A small private memorial gathering honored Mike Egan. Old friends gathered on New Year's Day to share their memories with Debbi Egan.
 Dolores and Robert Brittingham gathered around friends for breakfast in the beautiful setting of Janice Chatterton's Hacienda San Angel on a gorgeous morning. Conversation was wild sharing New Year's "sweeping out of the old." Sheep, lentils, red thongs, and heaven knows what else, provided plenty of laughter. Fellow Washington, D.C., area dwellers, Elaine Babcock and Ruth Doll, caught me up on the latest goings-on in the city.
 The fabulous tamales from Maria Candelaria were tasty during the holidays when too many holiday foods became overwhelming. Maria Candelaria is at G. Sanchez 851, Tel: (322) 222-4603.
 The International Friendship Club (IFC) sponsors a lecture and discussion about tenor Luciano Pavarotti for four weeks, beginning February 4th. Murray Beer is the presenter. Tel: (322) 222-5466.
 Liv Boughn, professional actress and acting instructor, is teaching a new acting class for adults at Santa Barbara Theater. She also teaches classes for kids 6-12 years, along with a high school acting class for teens. Email pvactress(at)hotmail.com for information.
 Shows are underway at Santa Barbara Theater in this new year. Call the theater (322) 223-2048.
 Author Linda Trapp, known for her fabulous theme dinners, did it again... with different lasagne dishes.
 Wise Wo-men in Vallarta will welcome scholar, writer and educator Daniel Grippo on January 28th, at 10 am, with "Mexico on My Mind." He will highlight aspects of Mexican culture. The meeting is at the International Friendship Club (IFC), Libertad and Miramar. Daniel's classes on Mexican history and culture begin on January 16th at the IFC. To register, call (322) 222-5466.
 Broadway's Sol Rose is gearing up for some shows in the next months. Popular Alex Ryder also arrives in town soon.
 Author Robert McLane stopped by the Writers Group before heading to Cuba for a visit. His book, Stop War America - A Marine's Story, received an honorable mention in the 2007 New York Book Festival.
 Keith Kuhn, the sweet father of Ann Marie Danimus, Santa Barbara Theater owner, visited in Vallarta recently.
 Brenda Martin, who lived in Puerto Vallarta, and spent more than two years in a Mexico prison for her alleged involvement in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme, was named The Intelligencer newspaper's "Newsmaker of the Year for 2008" in Canada.
 Subcomandante Marcos' Zapatistas are celebrating their 15th year anniversary. The organization governs about 30 "autonomous municipalities" in the Chiapas region.
 Cuba is celebrating its 50th anniversary of the Revolution.
 Mexico's Grupo Bimbo has purchased Canada's Westin Foods. The 2.5 billion dollar sale makes Mexico's Grupo Bimbo the largest bread manufacturing company in the world. Bimbo, formed in 1945, is the fourth largest food corporation in the world, behind Unilever, Sara Lee and Nestle.
 As I pack to head North for awhile, we remember a few persons for their courage... Len from blu, and Larry, author Linda Trapp, Ann Marie Danimus at Santa Barbara Theater, and so many of you who keep smiling through various adversities. Special heroes to me for their caring are Vern and Sylvia Sorenson.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |