|  |  | Vallarta Living | January 2009  
Walter's Wishes: A Dolphin, an XBox and Ocho Tostadas
Rosario Cibrián - PVNN

| The Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Make-a-Wish Mexico started the new year off right by granting the wishes of 13-year-old Walter, a shy but determined young boy who suffers from Lymphoma Hodgkins. |  | The joy of bringing a smile to a dying child's face and a twinkle to their eyes in the midst of suffering is Make a Wish Mexico's goal, and here in Puerto Vallarta, local businesses have taken the Make a Wish Foundation to heart.
 The Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Make-a-Wish was formed by New Mexico's former Make a Wish Foundation Vice President, Bob Mandel, who set up Mexico's corporate headquarters right here in Puerto Vallarta in November of 2000.
 Since that time, the Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Make-a-Wish has been granting more than one wish a month to children with life threatening diseases, like Walter, a timid, but determine 13-year-old boy from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco who suffers from Lymphoma Hodgkins, whose wishes were recently granted with the help of some generous local businesses.
 To make his wish very special, Walter swam with the dolphins at Dolphins Adventure, who treated him as a very dear friend and where a dolphin delivered to him a note that said: "You have an X-BOX." When Walter got out of the pool, his beautiful eyes sparkled with joy. But that was just the beginning of his special day. We were now ready to continue granting his wishes!
 As he loves seafood, we took him to Ocho Tostadas Restaurant in Nuevo Vallarta, who had invited Walter and his lovely family to enjoy a great meal... and the moment came where Walter closed his eyes, when he opened them he saw his X-Box as dreamed. Walter showed us a beautiful smile! The company Lucas 5 donated his game.
 All of us here at the Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Make a Wish Mexico would like to thank Lucas 5, Marya Ortega and family, for making Walter's wishes come true. We are sure that your generosity and support will give this true champion the encouragement he needs to get though his difficult treatments.

Make-a-Wish is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Donations are used to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses, and are tax deductible in the USA and Mexico. If you would like to volunteer, make a donation, refer an eligible child or adopt a wish, please call (322) 222-9112 or 01 800 DESEOS 1 (337-3671) or visit MakeAWishMexico.org.mx El Deseo de Walter Hecho Realidad Rosario Cibrián - PVNN
 Puerto Vallarta - Walter es un chico originario de Puerto Vallarta, Jal. de 13 años tímido, pero con una gran determinación y quien padece Linfoma de Hodkings.
 Para hacer su deseo muy especial, Walter nado con los delfines en Dolphin Adventures, quienes le trataron como un amigo muy especial y donde uno de los delfines le entregó una nota que leyó en voz alta: "¡tienes un X-Box!" Walter salió de la alberca con sus bellos ojos iluminados de la emoción y nosotros lo esperábamos listos para continuar su deseo.
 Como los mariscos son su pasión, nos dirigimos a que disfrutara de ellos en el Restaurante Ocho Tostadas, Nuevo Vallarta, tanto él como su linda familia comieron muy rico... y llego el momento en que Walter cerro los ojos muy fuerte y cuando los abrió, ante él estaba el X-Box que tanto había anhelado, ¡Walter nos mostró una hermosa sonrisa! La empresa Lucas 5 donó el equipo gracias al apoyo de Mayra Ortega, su directora.
 El deseo fue muy emotivo y estamos seguros que con el sueño de Walter hecho realidad le dará muchos ánimos para seguir adelante en su tratamiento, como todo un campeón.
 Acerca de Make-A-Wish México En Make-A-Wish Mexico creamos momentos de esperanza y felicidad al cumplir los deseos de niños en México que padecen una enfermedad que pone en riesgo su vida. Somos filial de Make-A-Wish International, que es la mayor organización de deseos en el mundo, localizados en 30 países en los cinco continentes. Para más información, por favor visite nuestra página electrónica MakeaWishMexico.org.mx y descubra como ¡Compartir el Poder de un Deseo! |

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