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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEntertainment | February 2009 

Carl Irving of Fundamental Frequency Keeps UDW Online
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Indie Music Label and Musicians' CollectiveWhat do an independent music label and media about Latin America have in common? In the case of Upside Down World, one thing they share is Carl Irving's love of music, computer and electronic technical prowess and dedication to web-community service. Since Upside Down World's evolution into a collectively edited weekly web magazine, Irving's donated advice and technical assistance has been essential to keeping the site up and running smoothly.

Irving is the founder of Fundamental Frequency, a musicians' collective and independent label based in Burlington, VT. According to Irving, the long term goal for the site is to grow from an indie rock/experimental label to a fully fledged cooperative space in which musicians can collaborate over the web on joint projects and have creative discussion. “There are plenty of opportunities to just give your music to a label, have them put it out there, and call it done,” says Irving, “but we’re hoping to have an ongoing, participatory process driven by the artists.”

Last year, when Upside Down World transferred content management systems from Mambo to Joomla, Irving guided the process. This week, Irving spent several hours on Valentine's Day (sorry Anna!) resolving a CPU quota issue on the site. Irving's invaluable help has made Upside Down World possible. Thanks Carl!

Check out Fundamental Frequency at

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