|  |  | Entertainment | Restaurants & Dining | February 2009  
Good Times for Good Causes
Debbi Egan - PVNN

| Banana Cantina Charity Nights are VERY popular, so call (322) 222-2114 or send an email to PVbananacantina(at)aol.com to make your reservations TODAY! |  | On Wednesday, February 18th, Candace of Fishing with Carolina hosted bANANaCANtiNA Charity Night for AutismO2, which was great since we were also celebrating AutismO2 founder Kerri Rivera's birthday!
 This time there were 15 raffle prizes, so Candace had some help from Alex and Mila selling all the raffle tickets. Check out this list of prizes and be sure to join us for the next AutismO2 Charity Night on March 18th:
 Cassandra Shaw Jewelry, a candle from Marcia's Ambience, a copy of Gil Gevins' book, gift certificates from Lucy's Cucu Cabana, Clarrise's Salon, Fishing with Carolina, Rose's LUMA jewelry, Roberto's breakfast for 2, Daiquiri Dick's and Archie's Wok as well as Santa Barbara Theater & Cinemark movie tickets. The night's total was $6000 pesos!
 On February 20th, we brought the donations from the January 28th and February 4th bANANaCANtiNA Charity Nights to the Kindergarten Justo Sierra. They are going to buy white boards and get a quote on a piece of playground equipment. The principal, Lorena, told the kids we were coming and what was happening, they were so excited and happy. Their smiles made our day!
 On March 4th, Sudy Coy will host for the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza Orphanage. R.I.S.E. operates on a budget of $3000 pesos a month and donations, so come on out, have some food and fun, buy a raffle ticket or two, and help us raise some extra pesos for this worthy cause.
 Located on the corner of Pulpito and Amapas in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta, Banana Cantina Restaurant serves creative Contemporary Mexican and International Cuisine in an eclectic, yet comfortable, atmosphere. For more information, click HERE or visit BananaCantina.com. |

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