|  |  | Travel & Outdoors | February 2009  
Mexico's Running of the Bulls
Mica Rosenberg - Reuters go to original

| (Reuters) |  | A teenage girl has suffered a dislocated jaw as ten half-tonne bulls kicked at screaming spectators during Mexico's chaotic version of "Running of the Bulls." The tradition, enacted in a handful of Mexican towns, traces its roots back to the centuries-old Pamplona bull-run in Mexico's former colonial power.
 But unlike Pamplona, where a pack of bulls chases people for a few minutes down a carefully cordoned-off path, in Tlacotalpan the beasts are let loose to rampage through the streets for hours as crowds taunt them.
 The small town of Tlacotalpan, which draws its name from an Aztec word meaning "land between waters," lies on the banks of a river where the bulls are lashed to the side of row boats and forced to swim across before being released wet and exhausted.
 "The bulls are angry when they arrive, obviously, so they go at it with full force," said Cristobal Salamanca who studies local traditions.
 Men on horseback rope the animals and steer them near raucous crowds clad in bright red T-shirts, many chugging beer under the hot sun.
 The dangers increase after hours of drinking sweet creamy cocktails called "toritos" ("little bulls") made with local moonshine, sugar, milk and fruit or peanut flavouring.
 On one narrow street, four men drove an angry bull toward bystanders who fell over in panic.
 After hours of chaos, the bulls are rounded up and let out to pasture.
 The bull run is part of a week-long religious celebration during which all-night parties echo with foot-stomping local music. The climax is a boat parade down the river of a statue of the Virgin Mary clad in golden robes.
 Animal rights activists have tried to shut down the event, saying the bulls are terrified by firecrackers, police sirens and shouting people, many throwing bricks, bottles and cans, slapping them or pulling their tails and legs.
 Last year two dozen people were hurt, including an elderly man who was airlifted to the hospital after being gored.
 "People cut off their ears, kick them. There is a new rule that you are not supposed to touch the bulls but after so many 'toritos' it's hard to control," resident Norma Salomon said. |

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