Vallarta Wise Women Welcome Dr. Joy Carol

| Dr. Joy Carol will be presenting "Affirming Life in a Time of Fear and Uncertainty" to the Wise Women of Vallarta at the IFC on February 25th. |  | Explore new ideas, growth in body, mind, and spirit. Connect and find support with the Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta every other Wednesday from 10 am to 12 Noon at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Parian del Puente, where Libertad & Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta.
 Discover ways to return to the core of your existence. Learn how you can change the picture and move beyond your fears and affirm life in a very special seminar for Wise Women in Puerto Vallarta on February 25th:
 "Affirming Life in a Time of Fear and Uncertainty" with Author/International Speaker/Educator Dr. Joy Carol
 For many of us, our lives seem overly complicated, full of numerous stresses, problems, and fears. At times we may feel overwhelmed and vulnerable in a landscape that seems frightening and unstable. We yearn to have peace of mind in an uncertain world that is filled with concerns about economic instability, environmental problems, war, and anxiety and loss in our personal lives. We ache to have a more peaceful, serene, and healthy life. In this restorative seminar, we discover ways to return to the core of our existence. We learn how we can change the picture and move beyond our fears and affirm life.
 Dr. Joy Carol, is an author, conference speaker, spiritual director, workshop and retreat leader at seminaries, churches, medical schools, retreat centers, schools, and other locations. She lectures and speaks on such topics as friendship, aging, spirituality, healing, care-giving, burnout, dealing with loneliness, healing for dying and living. Her recent books include The Fabric of Friendship: Celebrating the Joys, Mending the Tears in Women's Relationships, Journeys of Courage, and Towers of Hope: Stories to Help Us Heal (published by Sorin Books/Ave Maria Press).
 Over the last 30 years, Joy has been an educator (the Outstanding Young Educator of the USA), counselor, women in development specialist, and manager of international development programs. She has lived and worked in the developing world for organizations such as the Ford Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme, Save the Children, and the Christian Children's Fund.
 Joy holds an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Nebraska Wesleyan University, master's degrees in Spiritual Direction from the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, and in counseling psychology from the University of Maryland. She has also done graduate studies in Asian Affairs, women and development, and management at Scarritt College, New York University, and Harvard University.
 Thirteen years ago Joy had three close encounters with death and has since dedicated her life to spirituality and health. She is a volunteer for the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, the Broadway Community soup kitchen, Imagination Playgrounds, and the Central Park Conservancy. She has been trained and is experienced in trauma counseling, grief and bereavement counseling, hospice work, healing techniques, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, imagery, and meditation.
 There is no charge for Wise Wo-Men meetings, but donations of food, clothing, or toiletries for various local charities are appreciated.
 For more information, contact Anni Thiessen at wise_wo.menseminars(at), Tish Halloway at (322) 221-1505, or Darla Fowler at (322) 209-1088. |