|  |  | Vallarta Living | February 2009  
Wise WoMen Explore Romantic Relationships

| Celebrate Valentine's Day with the Wise Women of Vallarta on February 11 from 10 am to 12 Noon at the IFC. Email wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com for more information. |  | In celebration of Valentine's Day, just as Cupid is poised to launch his fickle arrow, Wise Women of Vallarta will present Love You! with writer/actress Norma Schuh on February 11th.
 In her light-hearted presentation, Schuh will share insights culled from research and personal experience focused on that mysterious, magical, complex, joyous immeasurable and mostly indefinable phenomenon that accounts for so much happiness in the world (as well as grief - when unrequited, lost or never found!)
 Attendees will also be treated to a special live performance of the Fabulous QuesaDivas, Vallarta's only all-female chorale ensemble, who will reprise some of their memorable love songs from last year's sell-out production of Sassy Sixties - A Midlife Romp Through Rock and Roll.
 "Love is a universal experience," Schuh says, "yet every individual occurrence seems absolutely unique." To one four-year old, love is "when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." To another - a thirty-something guy, "Love is letting your partner have the TV remote for 30 days." It can be a freeing exhilarating experience - "True love is the nature of bliss" - or, as in actor Woody Allen's case, a state of disease - "I was nauseous and tingly all over... I was either in love or I had small pox."
 "I'm personally intrigued by the topic," Schuh admits. Love is an energy that connects us to other people and to life itself. It is human nature to crave love, which nourishes the heart and soul as significantly as food helps our bodies to thrive," she believes. "It has always ruled in music, poetry, paintings, sculpture and literature, to name just a few, and is totally diverse, coming in an assortment of flavors - romantic, Platonic, familial, religious and object related (I LOVE chocolate!) I'm curious about all types but especially love shared between later life partners - what is commonly known as mature romantic love."
 Love You! is an opportunity to collectively explore some of the proverbial questions surrounding those relationships: What does it mean to love someone? What attracts one person to another? Does one's concept of love change as one ages? What are some red flags in the courtship phase that yell, "Stay away... this will only mean trouble!" What constitutes an ideal romantic rendezvous from both the female and male perspectives? What do both genders most appreciate in a life partner? What are some common ongoing sources of conflict between significant others? What are some ideas for romantic gifts and meaningful compliments - and much more.
 Bring your questions, comments and anecdotes and get ready for a fun, interactive exchange of wisdom, based on our collective life experiences.
 There will also be: Flower arrangements available from Lucy's Flower Shop; Valentine goodies and the Famous Cinnamon Rolls available from Paradise Bakery & Catering's Liana Turner and lots of fabulous door Prizes.
 Don't miss this special Valentine's Day meeting of the Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta on Wednesday, February 11th from 10 am to 12 Noon at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Parian del Puente, where Libertad and Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta.
 There is no charge for Wise Wo-Men meetings, but donations of food, clothing, or toiletries for various local charities are appreciated. For more information, contact Anni Thiessen at wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com, Tish Halloway at (322) 221-1505, or Darla Fowler at (322) 209-1088. |

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