|  |  | Entertainment | March 2009  
Banderas Bay ClasiCoral Debuts in March
Nisa Salmans - PVNN

| The Banderas Bay ClasiCoral singing ensemble will perform their debut concert tonight at 8 pm in the chapel at the Instituto Pierre Faure and Friday at 8:30 pm in the Church of Guadalupe in downtown Puerto Vallarta. |  | With a passion for training and directing classical singers and sharing inspirational choral works in Puerto Vallarta and nearby communities, Music Director, Nick Salmans, debuts the Banderas Bay ClasiCoral singing ensemble in two concerts with a celebration theme.
 Wednesday, March 25 at 8 pm in the chapel at the Instituto Pierre Faure, (past Toyota on Camino a Boca de Tomates #180, North Vallarta,) and on Friday, March 27, at 8:30 pm in La Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (Church of Guadalupe in downtown Puerto Vallarta.)
 The one hour bi-lingual program showcases the impressive talent of the fifteen member ensemble with international music from Latin America, France, Germany and America. Featured singers include Alberto Montalvo. Sharon Baughman-White, Kathy Overly and Uiok Chaves performing works by J.S. Bach, J. Offenbach and Antonin Dvorak. The program scheduled at Instituto Pierre Faure also includes a special performance by the school's Children's Choir.
 Nick Salmans, the ClasiCoral Founder, Director and Concert Producer, is the Conductor of the PV Chamber Orchestra performing March 15 at 8 pm at the American School, and is Music Director for the QuesaDivas women's singing group as well as the Banderas Bay Community Choir.
 Banderas Bay ClasiCoral concerts are offered to the public with donations gratefully accepted at the door. For further information, email Nisa Salmans at NVSally(at)aol.com. |

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