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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEntertainment | March 2009 

The Best Way To Wake Up The World To The Obama Deception
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The Obama Deception is already receiving critical acclaim and topping popularity rankings of global Internet video websites, but we are now urging our supporters to push even harder by letting people know how they can watch the full documentary absolutely free.

We are inviting people to view The Obama Deception in full completely free via You Tube. We are also urging people to use this particular copy to send out via their e-mail lists and to their friends and family, because it is the highest quality version on the web and far better than other low quality versions that we have seen.

By publicly promoting how people can watch our film for free within days of its release, we are undercutting our own sales, but the truth is too important not to enable The Obama Deception to be seen by as many people as possible.

However, if you would like to support us, enable us to make more documentary films, as well as get access to a constantly expanding array of exclusive, daily, streaming video, please consider subscribing at prison planet.tv. By becoming a member, you will also get access to a super high quality version of The Obama Deception. Click here to subscribe.

You will also have access to at least 4 hours a day of live streaming video from both The Alex Jones Show and The Infowarrior With Jason Bermas, not to mention archives of special video reports spanning back 5 years, which include every single Alex Jones film in high quality.

We urge our readers to aggressively promote the free You Tube version of The Obama Deception at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw and use it as a tool to wake up America to the truth behind the mask and the real agenda behind Obama that is a threat to our very country and way of life.

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