|  |  | Vallarta Living | March 2009  
Important Becas Vallarta Announcements
Polly G. Vicars - PVNN
 Important announcements from Becas Vallarta and the America-Mexico Foundation, two Puerto Vallarta non-profit organizations that have sponsored thousands of young Vallartenses through junior high, high school, university and even medical school.
 1. The mailing address for mailing to the America-Mexico Foundation/Becas Vallarta from the United States and Canada has been changed by Mail Boxes, Etc. Please make a note of this address so that when you mail in your donations or your inquiries they will not go to the dead letter box. If you have sent a donation to the old US address and have not received a thank you letter, please contact me so that we can try to trace your letter. The new address for mailing is:
 America-Mexico Foundation, Inc. 130380 Becas Vallarta, A.C. 2163 Lima Loop Laredo, TX 78045
 2. The Becas Breakfast scheduled for April 8 at La Palapa Restaurant has been postponed until Wednesday, November 4, 2009. This was necessary because this breakfast fell during Easter Week, which sees many members and their friends returning to their homes in the U.S. or Canada or vacationing in other parts of Mexico. If you have bought a ticket for the April breakfast, contact the person who sold you the ticket or contact me. We will refund your money, or put you on the paid list for the November breakfast.
 3. You can contact me at 52 (322) 223-1371 or phvicars(at)gmail.com
  To learn more about Becas Vallarta, click HERE or visit BecasVallarta.com. If you would like to volunteer or make a tax deductible donation, please call Polly Vicars at 011-52-322-223-1371 or Buri Gray at (322) 221-5285, or send an email to becasvallarta(at)gmail.com. |

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