|  |  | Vallarta Living | March 2009  
PV Wise WoMen Explore Mexican Financials

| For more information, contact Anni Thiessen at wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com, Tish Halloway at (322) 221-1505, or Darla Fowler at (322) 209-1088. |  | In the past few months Mexico has been facing different obstacles that have made the economy slow down. Many questions have risen, such as: Why is the peso’s value dropping so fast against other currencies? How is the U.S. Economic recession effecting people in México? How is this situation effecting Mexicans living abroad?
 Join the Wise WoMen of Vallarta at the International Friendship Club on March 25 from 10 am-12 pm for "Mexican Financials at a Glance," a special presentation by financial adviser Fernando Valerio.
 Some Biographical Information about Fernando Valerio
 Fernando Valerio is a Financial Adviser who has been working directly and indirectly with the Mexican Financial System in different job positions:
 1. The Chief of the Analysis Department of a Financial Group in Guadalajara (Operadora de Fondos Lloyd); 2. CEO of a Real Estate Developer in Puerto Vallarta (VidaVallarta); 3. Partner of a Consulting Firm in Puerto Vallarta (Grupo Caurí); 4. Independent Insurance Broker in Nuevo Vallarta; 5. National Sales Director (Lloyd Insurance); 6. (Currently) Financial Adviser and Stock Broker in Puerto Vallarta (Scotiabank)
 Valerio's academic background includes a Bachelor Degree in Financial Management from the Instituto Teconologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara. He attended the University of Queensland in Australia where he studied finance from a different perspective, taking courses on: Social and Economic Justice, Asian Business Negotiation, Business Strategies, Derivatives & Risk Management. He has also obtained a Masters Degree in Tourism and Sustainable Development at the Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUC) Puerto Vallarta and lectured on finance related courses at the UNIVA Campus Vallarta.
 The Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta meet every other Wednesday from 10 am to 12 Noon at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Parian del Puente, where Libertad & Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta.
 There's no charge for Wise Wo-Men meetings, but donations of food, clothing, or toiletries for various local charities are appreciated. For more information, contact Anni Thiessen at wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com, Tish Halloway at (322) 221-1505, or Darla Fowler at (322) 209-1088. |

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