Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| How about that 47-year-old Scottish singer, Susan Boyle, who has taken so many by storm with her beautiful voice? It is never too late for dreams to come true! |  | Mandy MacLeay, president of the International Friendship Club (IFC), has done an absolutely fabulous job this year for the community. She has brought back the IFC after some troubles in past years. Mandy was elected president for the next two years. Others also elected are Bill LeBeau, vice president; Ira Horowitz, treasurer; Del Dixon, recording secretary, and Helen Powell, corresponding secretary. Many volunteers help the organization.
 The final IFC dinner at the River Cafe was beautifully presented and well-attended. The IFC provided Becas president Mariel Fregosa with a check to help Becas provide scholarships to Vallarta area students. We had a great time telling stories from Las Vegas, NV, at our table with Jack and Gayle Parrish, Sharon Benson, Mandy MacLeay and others.
 Concerning U.S. Consular information, Thursday, May 7th from 9-11 am, will be your last chance until October to get assistance with passport needs or other information at the IFC.
 The annual Altruism Festival that raises funds for many area charities is scheduled for May 24 from 6-9 pm at the CasaMagna Marriott in Marina Vallarta. Tickets are $300 pesos. Nearly a thousand persons usually attend.
 Ever-popular Café Bohemio on the south side did tremendous business this past season with good food, reasonable prices, and, of course, some sideshows with owner, Broadway's own Sol Rose. The restaurant will be open during the summer, coordinated by efficient Mitsuko Phelps and staff. Sol and Christopher May will return to their other home in Palm Springs, CA, arriving back here on October 12th. Sol will perform in clubs during the summer, both on the west coast and the east coast in the U.S. While Sol didn't perform in PV this season, he has plans for shows here next season.
 Scholar, writer and editor Daniel Grippo will spend some time this summer doing research, and perhaps teaching, at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, where he received his doctorate. Daniel will teach the popular courses on Mexico at the IFC again next season. He says he enjoys teaching as much as participants say they enjoy the classes.
 The SPCA (animals) fund raiser "Hat Party" truly was "something else" at Janice Chatterton's Hacienda San Angel. Gorgeous hats, ugly hats and normal hats adorned heads, sometimes with hair, sometimes without hair. The Shaw sisters, Cassandra and Candace, had gorgeous large hats in brilliant colors, and they handled the raffle. Media photographers couldn't stay away from Sybil Breitwieser in her red, decorated tall hat, and her two lovely daughters, Patrice and Susan. Patrice's husband, Donni Tarkington, sometimes also was in those photos, displaying his hat.
 Some wild, wild hats were displayed by men. I wouldn't have wanted to be caught out on the street with Larry Sheldon, because of that hat he was wearing! The new SPCA president, Judy, wore animal tags with photos of animals. It was great to catch up with Lowe and Michael Figour. Charlene Bailey Crowe looked fabulous as usual, and Chickie Alter left house building behind to don a beautiful hat with flowers. Fairly new here, Chuck Mallery and Wally Demary, who moved here from Rhode Island, enjoyed the fun. Janice Chatterton of Hacienda San Angel is a dear, who gives greatly to the community.
 Jalisco state is celebrating its seven millionth citizen. The Vallarta Municipal Government is refurbishing classrooms at the Cuale Cultural Center.
 Lori Lorenzen has sold her interest in the former Miguelito's on Basilio Badillo. She now is in rentals with Timothy Fuller Real Estate. We wish her well with her energetic personality. A new partner is coming down from the U.S. to help run the establishment. Don and Rhonda divide their time between the music nightspot and at Marazul's restaurant on the beach.
 Enjoyed going-away gatherings at El Barracuda on the beach, with its excellent preparation of fish. Also, Cheeky Monday on the Malecón offers excellent drinks and appetizers. Que Pasa, on the east side, has reopened with plenty of musical groups performing. We heard popular blues/rock singer Chris Kenny before she headed back to Canada until next season. A group of us enjoyed brunch at Daiquiri Dick's on the beach. We spotted Len of blu there who has a new haircut that makes him look much younger. Lots of comments as he walked by!
 We hit the jackpot at Writer's Group when Dana Zeller, New York actress and so much more, read Walt Whitman, and Adene Corns, vice president of Simon and Shuster, shared publishing news and books we might want to read.
 How about that 47-year-old Scottish singer, Susan Boyle, who has taken so many by storm with her beautiful voice? It is never too late for dreams to come true!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |