|  |  | Vallarta Living | April 2009  
PV Wise Wo-Men Discuss Capital Gains Tax

| General Counsel, María Elizabeth O'Connor, with Tropicasa Realty Owner, Wayne Franklin. |  | Be sure to join the Wise WoMen of Vallarta at the International Friendship Club on April 22 from 10 am-12 pm. General Counsel for Tropicasa Real Estate Maria O'Conner will speak on "Capital Gains Tax as it relates to the sale of real estate in Mexico; payments, partial exemptions and total exemptions."
 María Elizabeth O’Connor is General Counsel for Tropicasa Realty, one of Vallarta’s top real estate agencies. Having Maria as part of the Tropicasa team has added another element of security and experience for Tropicasa clients.
 Prior to her joining Tropicasa in 2007, Maria was with the prestigious Guadalajara-based law firm Robles, Lazo y Gallardo, S.C. and in-house attorney for the construction and development division of the Playa del Sol Group. María has been at the forefront of the legal community providing an important service for foreign and Mexican real estate clients alike.
 As an attorney and local resident of Puerto Vallarta, María is often stopped by friends and acquaintances that have "just one legal question..." The question she is most often asked invariably has to do with the payment of capital gains tax and the ever-so-elusive "exemption."
 If María had a peso for every time she heard "My friend had a friend whose daughter heard that if you..." she would probably not be here today. That said, she thinks it is very important, especially in the light of new technology and cooperation between tax authorities, that clear concise information is given about the payment of the tax, the exemptions that are available and methods to reduce the tax if an exemption is not possible.
 On April 22nd, María will be discussing the current tax law and how it applies to the sale of residential property as well as taking questions on different scenarios and particular situations. Don't miss it!
 The Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta meet every other Wednesday from 10 am to 12 Noon at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Parian del Puente, where Libertad & Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta. There's no charge for Wise Wo-Men meetings, but donations of food, clothing, or toiletries for various local charities are appreciated.
 For more information, contact Anni Thiessen at wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com, Tish Halloway at (322) 221-1505, or Darla Fowler at (322) 209-1088. |

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