|  |  | Vallarta Living | April 2009  
Spanish Classes at BBCC in Bucerias
Judi Conrad - PVNN

| The BBCC is working to create a community where people share the joy of developing new skills and learning their neighbor's language and cultural background. For more information, visit BuceriasBilingualCommunityCenter.org |  | New Spanish classes are forming this week at the Bucerias Bilingual Community Center.
 The BBCC is pleased to introduce Jorge Gutierrez Soria who is licensed in the communication sciences and has 15 years teaching experience with the University of Guadalajara's "Centro de Estudios Extranjeros."
 Jorge teaches Spanish by speaking Spanish, asking students questions, and soliciting responses in Spanish (complete sentences.) Grammar is addressed as it comes up. Errors in pronunciation are corrected on the spot.
 Classes will be kept small and intimate and will continue as long as we have students. Individualized assessments and learning objectives are guaranteed. All that is required is the will to learn and diligent participation!
 Jorge offers his courses in 4 week segments which progress through 10 levels (e.g., Beginners (1-2 through Advanced 9-10 which is poetry and literature.) He provides individual interviews and assessments which will determine what levels beyond beginners will be offered over the next month.
 Classes start April 20th. The Beginners class will be offered daily Monday-Friday from 9-10:30 am. Another class will run M/W/F from 3:30 to 5:00 pm (Jalisco time.) If other levels are needed, classes will form as we get students with dates and times to be announced as the classes materialize.
 All Spanish classes cost $70 pesos per hour. All payments are on a monthly basis and due in full on or before the first day of class. Twenty percent of the fee will be applied to BBCC operational costs.
 We are offering individual assessments and interviews Friday April 17th from 10 am-3 pm. This is your opportunity to meet Jorge and sign up for the class that is right for you! Come check him out.
 The Bucerias Bilingual Community Center also needs English Teachers for Pre-escolares and Niños. We are looking for people to work in teams! This just makes it more fun and gives you the opportunity to do something rewarding and fun by teaching English to the local kids.
 Classes run from April 20 to May 15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 pm & 5:30-6:30 pm, Jalisco time. If you are interested, please call (329) 298-3527, stop by the office, Calle 16 de Septiembre #48 in Bucerias, Monday-Friday between 1-3 pm or email us at buceriasbilingualcenter(at)yahoo.com. |

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