Christopher Howe: Move Over, Forrest Gump! PVNN
With the state of the world today, there is a strong current of doubt, complaint and negativity riding high. What can be done to reinstate hope within our hearts? Action, action as opposed to reaction.
The first step in making a dent on our endless to-do list is the hardest one to make, and Christopher Howe is doing just that with every moment, every minute, every mile that he takes to make possible the impossible.
Simply put, he is walking from Los Angeles, California to Brazil. It takes a few times of hearing this for it to actually sink in even as he says, "I'm walking to Brazil, walking... one foot in front of the other."
Through 10 countries, "I am walking, running, meditating, praying, transforming my life and yours 6,583 miles from Los Angeles to Brazil," he expresses with calm and joyful enthusiasm. A thousand questions spring to mind when he shares his vision, and disbelief certainly rears its head, but he has already crossed the border between the United States and Mexico.
Howe has already walked hundreds of miles and has spoken with migrants, pastors, police, and people from all walks of life. He walks through their streets and villages and highways for the sole purpose of eliminating borders and presenting possibility.
Beautifully and strangely enough, Christopher doesn't see this as one man's journey; he sees each step he takes as one step for man-kind. The hope behind his project is to inspire YOU to see that you can BE anything, creating whatever life you can imagine, so he is encouraging everyone to get off the couch and join him. For more information, visit
Christopher will be walking through Nayarit during the next week or so. Please keep an eye out for him and make him welcome. |