|  |  | Vallarta Living | May 2009  
2009 Vallarta Altruism Festival Postponed
Kelly Trainor - PVNN

| The 2009 Vallarta Altruism Festival has been postponed until further notice. |  | Due to the recent swine flu pandemic situation and the local sanitary regulations that have been implemented in Vallarta over the past days, The Altruism Festival Committee has decided to postpone the 2009 event until further notice. It will most likely be rescheduled after the rainy season.
 If you have paid for tickets to the 2009 Festival Internacional de Altruismo, scheduled to take place on May 24th, your money will be refunded. Please be prepared to surrender your tickets to the person who sold them to you.
 We kindly ask anyone who has collected monies for tickets sold to return it to the people who bought them from you, and to please meet with us on Friday May 15 at the US Consular Office between 1 and 2 pm to return all tickets to festival committee organizers Kelly Trainor and Sandra Phillips. The address of the US Consular Office is Paradise Plaza Local L-7, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit. Festival de Altruismo 2009 Aplazado Kelly Trainor - PVNN
 Por este medio hacemos de su conocimiento que debido a los recientes acontecimientos que se han sucitado por la epidemia de Influenza Porcina y las medidas sanitarias implementadas por las autoridades locales. El Comité Organizador del Festival de Altruismo ha tomado la decisión de postponer el evento indefinidamente hasta nuevo aviso, muy probablemente pasando la epoca de lluvias.
 Les pedimos atentamente proceder a la devolucion de cualquier dinero que tengan con ustedes por concepto de pago de boletos a quienes les compraron y acudir el Viernes 15 de Mayo entre 1 y 2 p.m. a la Oficina Consular de los Estados Unidos, con las Sras. Kelly Trainor y Sandra Phillips para devolver todos los boletos. La direccion de la Oficina Consular es Paradise Plaza Local L-7, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit. |

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