|  |  | Vallarta Living | May 2009  
Children of the Dump Need your Help!
Arthur Fumerton - PVNN

| To learn more about any of the Children of the Dump's programs, visit ChildrenOfTheDump.org or contact Arthur Fumerton at ArthurEFumerton(at)yahoo.com. |  | May 6, 2009: The government of Mexico closed all schools from April 27 through at least May 5. This closing includes the School of Champions. Fortunately, we have had no reported cases of the N1H1 flu to date in any of our programs and in the entire Puerto Vallarta area.

This flu scare in addition to the recession has further decreased our normal flow of donations. When we reopen on May 11, we will have about 7 weeks remaining in our school year.
 A small group of people have responded to our original request for help in keeping our program open, particularly our School of Champions. This includes funding for teachers, educational expenses, logistics and maintenance.
 If you havent already sent us a donation, please consider our request once again and help us with as much as you can under these difficult economic conditions. The children will be forever grateful and you will be helping them realize their dreams of a full education and the chance at a better life.
 Please send your checks to: Children of the Dump 718 Griffin Ave. PMB #207 Enumclaw, WA 98022
The Children of the Dump was founded in 1998, originally as Feed the Children Vallarta. Through private donations, the program feeds more than 2,300 children daily, operates nine day care centers and an after-school program for grades 3 through 6; teaching them English, math and computers. The goal of the Children of the Dump is to ensure education through grade nine and to educate the children of Puerto Vallarta in the skills necessary to rise above poverty. To learn more about Children of the Dump's programs, click HERE or visit ChildrenOfTheDump.org. |

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