Making "a Little" Go a Long Way
Pamela Thompson - PVNN
 As we, here in Puerto Vallarta, talk non-stop about the flu and all of the fall-out resulting from it including hundreds of people being laid off, hotel towers closing, businesses small and large letting employees go, empty beaches and restaurants and on and on, I, for one, am beginning to feel sort of helpless as to what I am able to do at the "grassroots" (or palm trees here) level.
 I have written articles in the past about "why do we give?". Ultimately, I believe, it is to make us feel better about ourselves, while doing something, no matter how small, to others less fortunate than ourselves. And there are a whole lot of them out there right now. So, I have jotted down a few ideas that I think, even though in a very small way, might help.
 1) Try to shop "locally". Buy your milk, eggs and those types of things at your small neighborhood tienda.
 2) Imagine if everyone reading this went to the beach and bought just one item (no matter the price) from a beach vendor. A bauble that you probably don't really need but can maybe use as a gift for someone with a birthday coming up. Or just to decorate your own place with. A reminder of how fortunate you really are.
 3) Do away with the "freebies" at restaurants. There should be no "comps" at this time. Restaurant owners need all of the money they can get to take care of bills, pay staff, etc.
 4) Pick up a few extra items when you shop - beans, rice, fresh fruit. Give them to someone. I am not at all fond of just handing over something for free to someone. Discreetly leave it where that person can find it and still keep their pride. It's SO much more fun and rewarding when it is done "anonymously"! Nido powdered milk, diapers, anything!
 5) Go through your cabinets and come up with sterile gauze, alcohol, gloves - any medical supplies that could be used at the IMSS or Regional Hospital. I promise you if you give them to me, they will be delivered immediately.
 6) Go on a tour! Take a boat cruise, canopy tour, sunset cruise. Prices are great right now and remind yourself why you live here!
 7) Buy some fresh fish from the guys on the beach - direct!
 8) If someone is singing on the bus, or selling something, give a few extra coins!
 9) Tip!
 10) A smile, a positive attitude and a "Buenos Dias!" goes a long way.
 I know that these suggestions aren't much. But it is a start. We must take care of one another at this time, and always. Be pro-active. Come up with your own ideas and send them on to me - I will get those ideas "out there".