Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| (Larry Bennnett Photography) |  | Wow! I live in the middle of last week's International Fireworks Symposium displays. Fireworks were on the central plaza, in the Stadium, at the Sheraton, on the Malecón and at the Westin. Some displays were magnificent and artistic. Silver and gold sprays with a touch of pink were special, right off of my terrace.
 A couple of the displays didn't start until midnight. I enjoyed having guests come in and out of our home to observe the fireworks. We also celebrated international musician Steve York's birthday - with just one little ol' candle.
 A number of us observed the glorious Monday opening fireworks at the Stadium from the roof of Jeana Dunphy's lovely new home. Jeana, so gracious, conducts the Beyond Vallarta tours, with Bret Buskrud, through the International Friendship Club (IFC). It was fun to talk with architect, painter, sailor, author Pat Henry and hear of all of her dreams for the future. Her final Open Studio evening is Friday, May 15, 6-9:30 pm, Jacarandas 183.
 Breakfasts at the Hacienda restaurant are joyous, because of the beautiful, open surroundings. A meal with Bob and Sandra Stahman before they left for New York was extra special. They are so well-informed about everything. Bob, with his great career in photography, is complimentary of the photography of Larry Bennett here.
 Kathy Simis and Allen Wyatt wrote from French Polynesia concerning their trip by sailboat with their two small sons. "As for the Marquesas, Hiva Oa and Nuku Hiva are the two lovely anchorages with towns we've been in so far, where the green is so thick up the jagged mountains, the soil and flowers so fragrant, and the rivers cool and refreshing that it makes you grateful to be alive."
 Los Bambinos have out a new CD of Mexican songs, $150 pesos. Along with singing to diners at restaurants, they now perform on Sundays from 2-5 pm outside at Ritmos Beach Cafe.
 New Life Mexico received $11,460 pesos for purchase of shoes from guests who contributed at a spring party of Keith May and Sid Goodman. Two of the nicest guys!
 After recovering from a fall, Sybil Breitwieser invited a group of friends to dinner to celebrate. A group, for the most part, of entrepreneurs and world travelers, made for interesting dinner conversation. Actress Patrice White welcomed her husband, Donni Tarkington, for a visit from his headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii, with a cocktail party. Donni is deputy director of operations for the Pacific (Korea, Japan, Alaska and Hawaii.) He manages IT/communication for the War Fighter, both strategic and tactical. Patrice will join Donni at their Hawaii home in June. Patrice will return to Vallarta in the fall.
 El Mundo Light, Peru 1077-A, featuring products for diabetics, is a small store with sugar-free products, glucometers and accessories, shoes, socks and foot creams, syrups, jellies and salad dressings, vitamins and supplements and weight control items. It is welcoming to persons who want to live healthily. I am enjoying some white tea I purchased there.
 Nice, nice Patrick Harrison is opening his Gringo Marketing & PR firm again on May 15th. He can be reached at patrickinpv(at)gmail.com.
 Spotlight Productions founder Kathleen Hennen visited friends in Vallarta recently. We celebrated Kathleen's birthday at Cafe Bohemio. Helen Powell put together the lovely gathering.
 Galleria Dante on Basilio Badillo is open during May, Monday-Friday from 10 am-2 pm. A layaway plan is available! Appointments can be made from June-September. Website: GallerieDante.com Claire and Joe Guarniere own the successful gallery.
 Our thoughts are with persons worldwide with swine flu, and with families of those who have died. We thank Pamela Thompson for keeping us informed here in Vallarta.
 Puerto Vallarta Navy League's programs include greeting visiting ships, sponsoring community social projects performed by the crews of visiting ships, serving as a key sponsor for the Toys for Tots Vallarta campaign, and arranging for transportation of donated medical goods from the U.S. to the Vallarta area.
 Toys for Tots Vallarta program distributed 13,000 purchased toys to the area's neediest children. The organization has worked with DIF (social services) to install a number of playgrounds in the area.
 With writing projects, I will periodically write this column during the summer. Appreciate your readership and support.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |