Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN June 27, 2009

| The much anticipated Jalisco en Vivo concert here was almost washed out with downpours, but Alejandro Fernández and the other musicians hung in there and performed until 3:30 am. |  | We are saddened to learn of the death of Alejandro Baez of the Sol y Luna art gallery. He had been hospitalized for several weeks.
 David Lyons, songwriter and a thousand other talents, has written a new song we soon will be hearing, Es Vallarta Para Mi. David is trying to organize a Jalisco state-wide competition for the best original song about Puerto Vallarta. He hopes it is a major event, and he will provide further information. He says, "My first images of Mexico, and the dream of someday visiting here came from the music... I'd like so see some new songs that evoke those images." To contact David, email him at rdlyons1(at)yahoo.com.
 Canada Day is July 1 with festivities at Teatro Limon, a fun place. For reservations, call (322) 225-2606.
 The Fourth of July is always fun. This year Chef Seth Cloutman is preparing a feast based on his days at the former Coconuts restaurant... much requested. So we can indulge in country-fried steak, meat loaf, barbeque pork ribs with homemade sauce, mashed potatoes, collard greens, fried green tomatoes, creamed spinach and much more. Beer and wine are included with the smorgasbord. For reservations, email seth(at)foodbyseth.com.
 As if there are not enough parties, the Happy Hour Group for all North Americans here is Tuesday, July 7, at 5 pm at Cheeky Monkey on the Malecón. Make a reservation with sarajwise(at)yahoo.com. More than 60 celebrators attended the first get-together. Bring your cards to exchange.
 The Vallarta Yacht Club and Marina Riviera Nayarit at La Cruz are taking food donations all summer. So far, these two groups have combined efforts to provide three large food shipments to various organizations for distribution. Children and seniors are the main focus. This program is in coordination with Amigos de Bucerias. Laurie Ailworth reminds, "For the price of a few lemonades, you can feed four for a week." For further information, email lailworth(at)yahoo.com.
 Readers and friends have said to me, "Give me your dentist's card!" Dr. Martin Guillen's dental clinic, Just Smiles, is at Basilio Badillo 311, tel: (322) 223-0505 or 2990. The clinic has 12 dentists with various specialities. The staff is very friendly. Literature and cards are available at the front desk.
 Linda Palmquist, widow of Larry Palmquist, is in town from Kansas City to stay at her beautiful home in Bucerias before sale of the home takes effect. Friends gathered for lunch with her.
 Well, the much anticipated Jalisco en Vivo concert here was almost washed out with downpours. The musicians hung in there and performed until 3:30 am. I live nearby! The sounds clearly carried across the bay, according to friends at Marina Vallarta.
 With the downpours, many spectators headed home, along with quite a number of boats. Security was intense, and I had to battle some of these gun-toting persons to get home during the day. The idea from someplace that this concert would bring back tourism was hardly realistic. Unfortunately, trying to lift spirits here also was dampened, To another brighter day!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |