"Divas" a Winning Blend of Comedy, Melodrama Kirk Honeycutt - Hollywood Reporter go to original August 19, 2009
Four ambitious and beautiful young women. From four very different corners of Mexico. Just like hundreds of others, they are caught up in the frenzy that sweeps the nation when Alejandro Mateos (Julio Bracho), one of the country's most powerful producers, dreams up a nationwide talent search to cast the lead in his next big movie. But all this is news to Alejandro's on-again, off-again lover, Eva Gallardo (Patricia Llaca) , a diva of epic proportions, who expected to get the part. While Eva schemes to nail down the role, our four leads begin their own journey on the road to fame.
Los Angeles - Light Mexican comedies such as "Casi Divas" (which translates as "Almost Divas") rarely make it across the border. But Maya Entertainment, a Latino-owned American entertainment company, is opening the film Friday in the three biggest Latino markets: Los Angeles, New York and Miami. Released in Mexico last year, the film is an enjoyable spoof of Mexican soap operas and the entertainment business itself. It doesn't ask to be taken seriously, but if you absolutely insist, there is pointed commentary about the deep divisions within that society over skin color, gender politics and social backgrounds. Even a small box-office success in El Norte might insure further importation of Mexican films beyond those made or sponsored by that country's holy trinity of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu and Alfonso Cuaron. The second feature produced by Columbia Pictures Producciones Mexico, the film is somewhat frenetic in its execution and acting, but by the standards of, say, Bollywood, it is positively calm and collected. Written and directed by Issa Lopez, the movie focuses mostly on young women and most certainly on the steely nerve and fierce ambition they need to climb any ladder of success in Mexico. The situation revolves around a producer's desire to turn a long-running telenovela into a movie, one that will not feature its star, Eva Gallardo (Patricia Llaca). Eva is too difficult and too old -- meaning past 30 -- to play the young innocent heroine. So the producer (Julio Bracho) holds a national TV audition before celebrity judges -- what on Earth does this remind you of? -- that attracts 3,000 girls and a huge viewership that can phone in votes. (What, no Internet?) Four contestants provide a glimpse into disparate geographic and cultural segments of Mexican society. These verge close to stereotypes, but four vivacious actresses stamp the roles with enough personality that one can overlook those shortcomings. Francisca (Maya Zapata) is rural, poor and Indian. Ximena (Ana Layevska) is white, urban and rich. Yesenia (Daniela Schmidt) is a Mexico City local, exotic, determined and flamboyant. Catallina (Diana Garcia) is a tough cookie from Ciudad Juarez, where girls like her have been disappearing for years. The latter tragedy represents a serious note for a comedy, but Lopez gets away with this by folding it into story lines that deal with how men treat women in her society. The contest and the women's friendships and antagonisms give Lopez plenty of room to operate: The film contains flirtations, confrontations, fights, one complete makeover and one very big surprise. Oh, and by the way, Eva is not about to go gently into that good night. She fights for her role against the producer, who is her often unfaithful lover. The movie is fun and colorful, mixing comedy and melodrama into a piece that subtly wonders about a country transfixed by TV fantasies while corruption and a drug war tear the society apart. No, Lopez never asks that question; it's just implicit in every satirical jab. Shot on high-def video cameras, "Casi Divas" has suitable grit to go with the swings among rural poverty, glamorous penthouses and a studio lot. American import Hans Zimmer provides a score that would be too busy for an American film but doesn't feel incongruous here.