|  |  | Vallarta Living | August 2009  
Vallarta Expats Helping New Life Mexico
Sara Wise - PVNN August 13, 2009

| For more information on New Life Mexico and their work with Child Protection Services, please contact Philippa Vernon-Powell at pvp(at)newlifemexico.com or 044-322-888-9762. |  | For the next meeting of Expats in Vallarta, which will be held at Harry's Bar on Tuesday, August 18th at 5 pm, New Life Mexico will be collecting school supplies to be distributed to local needy children as they start school again soon.
 As you know, there are no membership fees or requirements to join the Expats in Vallarta group, and we don't normally ask our members for money, or contributions for anything - everyone pays for only what they use or consume at our meetings.
 However, a worthwhile opportunity to give back to the community has come to our attention, so we are asking you to consider the following list of needed items and decide for yourselves if you want to help out.
 New Life Mexico Wish List
 For Boys Aged 8-16
 White ankle socks for school & sports (not long please) Boxer Shorts / Cotton Underpants White Undershirts Tennis Shoes Black School Shoes Flip Flops Child Vitamins Cough Medicine Athletes Foot Cream Hand Sanitizer Eye Drops (Itchy eyes)
 For Girls & Boys
 Large adult size backpacks White Out Pencil cases - Large Coloring Pencils Markers Pens Coloring Books (boys ages 8-12) Toothpaste Face Cloths Soap Deodorant Dental Disclosing Tablets
 If you want to help out, buy some of these items and bring them to HAPPY HOUR at Harry's Bar on Tuesday, August 18th. New Life Mexico will pick up the donations. Be sure to put a slip of paper in each bag with your name, email address and phone number so Philippa from New Life Mexico can give you credit for your gift.
 For further information on New Life Mexico and their work with Child Protection Services, please email Philippa Vernon-Powell, their Field Director here in Puerto Vallarta, at pvp(at)newlifemexico.com.
 Harry's Bar is located on the south side of Lazaro Cardenas between Constituciσn and Insurgentes in Old Town. We hope to see you next Tuesday at Harrys for another great get-together! |

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