Celebrating Rosh HaShanah in Vallarta
PVNN September 14, 2009

| Celebrate Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in Puerto Vallarta this year. For more information and reservations, email Chef Cloutman at seth(at)foodbyseth.com. |  | Rosh Hashanah, commonly referred to as the Jewish New Year, is the first of the High Holy Days, marking the beginning of a ten-day period of prayer, self-examination and repentance known as Yamim Noraim.
 To celebrate this important date, PV Mirror Editor Allyna Vineberg will be hosting a special celebratory dinner, on Saturday, September 19th.
 The traditional menu, which will include homemade challah bread, dates, beets and leeks, along with roasted chicken with a pomegranate glaze will be prepared by Puerto Vallarta Chef Seth Cloutman of Food By Seth Catering.
 "I can think of no better way to celebrate this date than sharing a table with our friends. 2009 has been a challenging year for those of us in Puerto Vallarta and this will be a perfect time to celebrate and anticipate the successes of the new year," said Cloutman.
 Seating is limited and reservations for the $350 pesos-per-person event (all food and wine included) are strongly suggested. For more information and reservations, email Chef Cloutman at seth(at)foodbyseth.com. |