|  |  | Entertainment | November 2009  
William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe
Truthout go to original November 14, 2009
 A striking biography of the work of one man who thrust himself into the center of the revolutionary fervor of the civil rights movement and the antiwar movement changed the country, Disturbing the Universe is essential viewing.
 William Kunstler fought for civil rights with Martin Luther King Jr., represented the "Chicago 8", tried to represent the prisoners during the Attica uprising, and worked with the American Indian Movement during the standoff at Wounded Knee. Later in his career Kunstler defended accused terrorists, murderers, and rapists, sparking intense public outrage.
 This award-winning film is a must-see for anyone who lived through that incredible time and anyone who didn't. Produced and directed by his daughters Emily and Sarah Kunstler, the documentary takes a hard look at the price the Kunstler family paid so William could do his work.
 The film opened in New York City and Boston Friday and will be coming next to Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area next week.
 A list of opening dates around the country can be found here. |

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