|  |  | Entertainment | Restaurants & Dining | November 2009  
Yummy Lunch for the Kids of El Remance, Courtesy of Nuestra Huerta
Roberta Rand - SF Productions November 18, 2009

| If you would like to know how you can help the Nuestra Huerta garden project, contact Seth Cloutman at Seth(at)foodbyseth.com, or write to nuestrahuertapv(at)gmail.com. |  | Friday the 13th turned out to be an auspicious day for the kids of Benito Juarez Primary School in El Remance as Chef Seth Cloutman and a small army of volunteers served a healthy lunch to 250 school children.
 Mothers and grandmothers, along with Seth and local volunteers served up a menu of tomato-and-chili-based chicken tostadas with beans and salsa. The meal was served on cabbage leaves to minimize waste. Agua fresca was the beverage and fresh oranges were served for dessert. Chef Cloutman and Miguel Padilla, owner of Japanice restaurant, made the event extra fun for the kids by making a game of tossing the oranges to the kids on the playground.
 "We were able to feed these children for 40 cents apiece - with plenty of food left over for 'seconds,' and to feed all the volunteers," said Seth. "This proves that it's absolutely possible to feed kids healthy, nutritious - and delicious - food at an affordable cost."
 The lunch was part of Seth's project to educate kids about healthy eating in conjunction with the Nuestra Huerta school garden project. A secondary aspect of the lunch was to teach kids about recycling by setting up trash cans separating organic from inorganic waste. "I want to teach kids not only how to eat right, but how to save their small corner of the planet," says Seth. "Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful place, but we need to show children the urgency of caring for this paradise before the garbage and water pollution destroy it."
 Thanks to all the volunteers who served: Sandra Cesca of Learn Vallarta, Gerry Jacobs, Cristhian Rios, Miguel Padilla and Principal Alfredo Velasco. The event was filmed by SF Productions TV.
 If you would like to know how you can help the Nuestra Huerta garden project, whether by writing a check, hosting a house party fund raiser or volunteering, contact Seth Cloutman at Seth(at)foodbyseth.com, or write to nuestrahuertapv(at)gmail.com.

Roberta Rand is Public Relations Manager for SF Productions TV, a full service production and marketing company in Puerto Vallarta. Prior to relocating to Mexico from Colorado Springs with her dog, Bo, Roberta worked as a magazine editor, web editor and marketing copywriter. She is also an essayist and author, whose book "Playing the Tuba at Midnight" explored the quirks of living single.
 To learn more about SF Productions, click HERE or visit SFProductionsTV.com. |

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