|  |  | Entertainment | December 2009  
Making A Sensual Home Movie
David Strovny - AskMen.com go to original December 26, 2009
 When your woman first told you that she enjoyed watching erotic videos, you nearly wet yourself and began stocking up on movies for some of your sexual sessions. Now that you've gotten into the "let's watch a movie and get kinky" comfort zone, how about trying your hand (and body) at something a little different?
 Making a sexual home movie is just about every man's dream. Think about it; you're basically making your own private movie and there's likely nothing more exciting than watching yourself and the woman you love getting hot and heavy, while you get hot and heavy.
 A kodak moment
 We don't think anyone would dispute that watching themselves make love is a serious turn on. Not only do you get to capture an experience that you enjoy so much, but you also have the pleasure of watching it as often as you like.
 Your own personal movie with you and your favorite woman as the stars of the show - could anything sound more enticing? Well, before you begin yelling "action," you should think about how she might feel about the whole idea.
 Honey, wanna be a star?
 Half the mission is getting your woman to agree that this is a great idea. And before you even think about it, filming her without her knowledge is both cowardly and highly disrespectful.
 If you've been in a relationship for a long time and the two of you trust each other with your lives, then the idea will likely sound interesting to her. However, if you've only been dating for a short while (months), then perhaps it will take a little more persuasion on your part.
 To begin, never say things like: "I already did it with my ex" or "I'm bored and want to do something different." That won't serve to sway her in your favor. Let her know that you want to do it because you think she's hot as hell and that watching yourselves making love would be such a turn-on. And that's the truth, right?
 Mom, dad, this is porno Pam
 The first thing that would make any woman paranoid is the "exhibit A" factor. You make a movie, and then it mysteriously ends up on the 6 o'clock news.
 Not only that, but if, god forbid, the two of you break up because she did something horrible, she'd be quite worried that you'd send copies to all her relatives, including her little brother. Or worse, you'd use it as blackmail or show it to your friends before the football game began.
 So to ease her anxiety, let her know that once you make the movie, she can keep it. After all, men don't get ostracized for having sex, but women still do.
 The second biggest thing that would freak her out is unflattering angles and the thought of seeing her flaws. Let's face it; most women don't look like Megan Fox and they are well aware of it.
 Between her delusions of being too fat, too close close-ups and cellulite, chances are that those would be enough reasons to deter her from doing it.
 To ease this concern, let her know that you don't plan on filming with close-ups and neon lighting, but rather with soft light and a romantic setting that will make both of you look and feel good.
 Making the movie look good
 If you don't already have one, invest in a good camcorder with adequate recording capability. Buy some candles to ensure that the lighting is dim enough to mask flaws yet will allow you to film without difficulty. And invest in some sexual music to keep the mood up.
 Before you even get down to the fun part, try filming her playfully to see which angles look best and what lighting works well. The idea is to allow the camera to do its thing while the two of you do yours. You don't want this to be a mechanical experience in which you constantly pull out to adjust the camera.
 Place the camera at an angle where it can catch the entire bed, or better yet, if you have a large (and clean) mirror somewhere in the room, you can let the camera film your reflections.
 Let the camcorder film, but try your best not to overact for the camera and encourage your woman to do the same. The goal of this recording session is to capture the two of you have sex naturally, not as though you're in a porn.
 Instant replay
 So the next time the two of you decide to have sex, rather than slip in soft porn with just any old actors in the starring roles, slip in the tape that the two of you made together and watch the sparks go into overdrive.
 It will serve to intrigue both of you and even if you decide to watch it "just for kicks," before you know it, the two of you will be naked and reliving the moment.
 Maybe you'll make more home movies, maybe not, but the experience will definitely serve to bring the two of you closer together. |

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