The Night Before Christmas in Vallarta David Lyons - PVNN December 19, 2009
Listen to 'The Night Before Christmas in Puerto Vallarta' by David Lyons
Long-time Puerto Vallarta resident, accomplished author and entertainer, R.D. (David) Lyons shares his thoughts on spending Christmas in Puerto Vallarta through his rendition of A Visit From St. Nicholas, more commonly known as 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. The Night Before Christmas in Puerto Vallarta It's the night before Christmas, but I live on the beach I'm afraid a white Christmas is out of my reach No snow, no sleighbells, no Santa's reindeer The sound of the surf is all that I hear I miss mistletoe and I miss all the holly Strung lights on my cactus; it's not quite as jolly What I wouldn't give for some Eggnog right now Tequila's just not as festive somehow Now don't get me wrong, I love living here But I get a bit homesick this time of the year When the kids were young, I'd stay up until three Wrapping their gifts to put under the tree They're all grown up now, with lives of their own Instead of hugs, it's a call on the phone "Hey Dad, How are you? How's Christmas down there?" They tell me they love me, I know that they care It's enough I suppose, and I'm glad that they're well Maybe next year they'll visit, Wow, that will be swell But tonight it's just the Missus and me and two cats - they're the reason we can't have a tree! On the satellite radio I hear Crosby croon Irving Berlin's wistful holiday tune and I realize I'm not the first one to dwell On Christmases past, we remember so well But the hour is late, it's past time for bed The Tequila I've sipped has gone stright to my head So I take my love's hand and step out for some air Gazing up at the stars, hoping Santa's up there He isn't of course, as I've known all along, and that cheery White Christmas is only a song But I hold my love to me and give her a kiss and ask, "Does it get any better than this? "We live in a tropical Heaven on earth enjoying good health, aware of its worth I have everything I've ever wanted and more and a Christmas as white as the sand on the shore." MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! A long-time resident of Puerto Vallarta, R.D. (David) Lyons is an accomplished author who has published 3 novels and contributes educational and entertaining articles to several local publications. When not writing, he can be found singing jazz standards to his own guitar accompaniment at several of the town's most popular venues. Click HERE for more articles by David Lyons.