|  |  | Vallarta Living | December 2009  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN December 24, 2009

| More than 150 people turned out for the Becas Breakfast at The River Cafe on December 16, 2009. The next Becas Breakfast will be at Daiquiri Dick's on Los Muertos Beach on January 20 at 9:30 am. |  | Don't forget, Hank and Conrad will begin serving lunch at Cafe Bohemio, 127 Rodolfo Gomez, on Monday, January 25th. Owners Sol and Chris, of course, will continue their popular dinners.
 Jeana Dunphy of Beyond Vallarta Tours reminds that deposits for the Copper Canyon trip February 1-7 are due on January 5. Email her at beyondvallarta(at)live.com.
 Private chef Dolores Brittingham offers upcoming classes: December 28 - Mexican cooking and January 5 - Thai. Call Dolores at (322) 222-7017 or email y_brittingham(at)hotmail.com.
 One hundred photographs of the Mexican Revolution are on display until February 13 at the Museo del Cuale on Isla del Rio Cuale.
 A 60-year history of art in Vallarta is at Paco Studio and Gallery, V. Carranza, tel: (322) 222-8168.
 The Bucerias Bilingual Community Center appears to be quite active. Besides instruction in English and Spanish classes, participants can enjoy belly dancing to salsa rhythms, yoga, Mexican cuisine and meditation. A Mystery Night with dinner is February 13 at La Vida Resort on Lazaro Carenas 61 in Bucerias. For more information, call (329) 298-3527.
 Assisted Living Vallarta offers Independent Living, Assisted Living, Continuous Care and Alzheimer´s and Parkinson's Care. Meal plans and emergency response programs are available. Drs. Alfonso Gonzalez and Marisela Lorneli can be reached at 044-322-135-6091. The operations manager Israel Ramirez´s telephone number is 044-322-111-0370.
 The International Friendship Club Home Tours are successful, benefiting local charities. Tours are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. For information, call (322) 222-5466.
 Blues Harmonist and singer Curtis Blake from Minneapolis, MN, entertained at Cuates y Cuetes on the beach. He sings everything from Night Creeper, Honey Dipper to Greasy Gravy on his latest CD. His website is daggers word(at)comcast.net.
 It rocked at Los Arcos Amphitheater with Jamaican Kassicano, who lives in this area, performing. Rhonda Zarate of Pure Life Spa, and Cassandra Shaw, jeweler and artist, shook it in their fervor over the music. For information, go to Kassiano.com.
 Two breakfasts at River Cafe were successful with the place packed. The December 16 Becas Breakfast raised money for scholarships for local children. River Cafe owner Evangelina Sanchez Duenas was so gracious in greeting us. U.S. consular agent Kelly Trainor brings area and community diversity to her networking breakfasts. Los Mangos Library benefited from contributions of notebooks, pencils and books.
 The next Becas Breakfast is at Daiquiri Dick's on the beach at 9:30 am on January 20. Kelly's networking breakfast will be at 9:00 am, January 15, at the Vallarta Yacht Club at Paradise Village area in Nuevo Vallarta.
 Sid Goodman and Keith May always throw a party of the year. Monetary gifts go to charity. Click HERE to read more.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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