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Recipes of Hope: Breast Friends Cookbooks
Tara A. Spears - jaltembasol.com go to original January 25, 2010

| To obtain a cookbook, contact Linda Helgason at 044-306-272-7478 or blhelgason(at)sasktel.net. |  | When over thirty women gathered recently for lunch at the La Penita RV Park to hear the inspiring story of a small group of rural Saskatchewan, Canada, women who are making a big impact in the fight against breast cancer, one could feel the positive energy.
 Organizing in 2004, the ten Canadian women were mourning the loss of loved ones to this disease but decided to turn their grief into action that would help other women survive this tragic disease. The positive result of their effort has raised over $700,000 dollars that go to support cancer agencies, research, purchase equipment, and to assist with patient needs across Canada.
 Now, Breast Friends, Inc. has reached across national borders to help the women of Nayarit with a $5,000 USD donation and a huge supply of bras to be used for prosthesis at the upcoming Cancer de Mama clinic February 6-8, 2010.
 Carole Thacker, RV park manager and local philanthropist, provides the venue for the luncheon and the annual breast cancer clinic that is primarily run by park resident volunteers. Although the RVers, who arrive from Canada and the US, live in the Riviera Nayarit for up to six months, they work all year long with various local charities to improve and address the needs of their adopted community. They provide expertise, good will through their countless hours as volunteers to get the job done, in addition to financial generosity. While this truly amazing group of people doesn't seek the limelight, they certainly deserve applause.
 Breast Friends, Inc. Accomplishments:
 As the effervescent presentation by one of the founding members of Breast Friends, Linda Helgason, detailed the history and successes of the grassroots non-profit organization, the aura of hope prevailed. "We never dreamed that the cookbooks would be so successful," said Linda. "We are just a group of small town women - with a total of 60 grandchildren - that hope that we will soon see an end to this dreaded disease."
 In the four years of operation, Breast Friends cookbook sales have contributed to diagnostics and treatment centers; provided shuttle services between hospices and treatment facilities; purchased mobile mammogram machine, digital mammography and radiation equipment, and chemotherapy infusion pumps.
 About the Cookbooks:
 All of the cookbooks are professional printed with an easy-to-use spiral binding and color photographs. The 400 uncomplicated and family favorite recipes are grouped into 11 categories with an index and table of contents for quickly locating what you need. Besides the excellent recipes, these unique cookbooks offer cancer facts and advice, inspirational quotes and quips that will make you smile: "a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand."
 The first two books are dedicated to loved ones who have lost the fight against cancer; the third in the series, 'Breast Wishes,' is a tribute to the brave survivors that the organization has met in the last four years. To obtain a cookbook, contact Linda at 044-306-272-7478 or blhelgason(at)sasktel.net; Maurca 327-274-0715 or marucadinsmore(at)aol.com; Judy at joekrajnc(at)hotmail.com; or Carole at carole(at)lapenitatrailerpark.com.
 All of us know someone whose life has been touched by cancer, know first-hand the tragic impact on the individual, their family and friends. We also know that early detection of any type cancer is saving lives. The mission of the Breast Friends, Inc. is to bring comfort, enjoyment, and hope while fighting for a cure for this disease. |

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