|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Toys for Tots Navy League Meeting Jan 6th
Bill Clark - PVNN January 04, 2010

| To learn how you can help Toys for Tots deliver smiles to thousands of poor children around Banderas Bay on January 11th, contact Bill Clark at (322) 222-3616 or clarkbill(at)earthlink.net. |  | The January Navy League Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 6th beginning at 10:30 am at the Marriott Casa Magna Resort in Marina Vallarta. The date change is due to the toys arriving on that day. After the meeting we will begin to organize the toys for distribution, so please bring comfortable clothes.
 The Toy distribution will be on Monday, January 11th beginning at 7am. Location will be the Casa Magna Marriott Hotel parking lot in the Marina. The loading of the toys will begin at 7 am. There is limited parking available in the parking lot, so if you are not loading toys please park on adjoining streets.
 There are a few routes that due to the travel distance will begin earlier than 7 am. The following is a list of routes with brief descriptions of areas each will visit. Included is the route leader, telephone number and email. Please contact the route leader if you are interested in participating in the distribution.
 We need trucks for some of the routes. We strongly suggest that you bring water and a snack, especially those going on the longer routes. If you know of anyone who has a truck and would like to volunteer please use the contact information below to advise Bill Clark.
 Route 1: Nayarit, Towns and small villages in Nayarit, into the mountains and coastline. This route has multiple sub-routes. Route time = most of day. Contact Kelly Trainor (322) 222-0069, email amigakelly(at)prodigy.net.mx
 Route 2: Marriott, Towns and villages from Ixtapa to San Sebastian. This route has multiple sub-routes. Route time = most of day. Contact Lourdes Bizarro, (322) 226-0048, email mhrs.pvrmx.prmarketing(at)marriotthotels.com
 Route 3: Los Mojoneras, Parts of Ixtapa, areas around Vista Vallarta Golf Club, city dump. Route time = 4 to 5 hours. Contact Fred Pointkowski (322) 209-0064, email dcp(at)sfsu.edu
 Route 4: Pitillal, to Los Volcanes and small towns and villages (foothills of mountains above Pittal). Route time = 5 to 6 hours. Contact Jeff Miltenberger (322) 222-4486, email miltenj(at)pvnet.com.mx
 Route 5: El Nogalito. Mismaloya, Boca De Tomatlan, small villages in area. This is south of PV. Route time = 4 hours. Contactto be determined. Call or email Bill Clark at (322) 222-3616, email clarkbill(at)earthlink.net
 Route 6: Colonias Ramblases, Bugambilias. Route time = 4 hours. Contact Norm Yellowlees (322) 293-6595
 Route 7: Colonias Playa Grande, La Maderna. Route time = 4 hours. Contact Clemente Celis Uribe (322) 222-2634, email c_celisu(at)hotmail.com
 Route 8: Cuale. Small towns and villages up the Cuale River to town of Quale. Route time = 11 hours. This route is over rough roads. We suggest four wheel drive vehicles or vehicles with substantial clearance from ground. Contact Bill Semeyn 044-322-135-5506, email bill(at)mexdev.com
 Route 9: El Tuito. This route begins in El Tuito. Goes to Chacala and small villages on way. Route time = 6 hours. Contact Al Ward, 228-0050, email yvonnealpv(at)gmail.com
 Route 10: Tehumixtle. Small towns and villages to Mayto and Tehumixtle. This route begins and El Tuito. We suggest four wheel drive vehicles or vehicles with substancial clearance from ground. Route time = 8 hours or overnight. Contact Bill Clark, (322) 222-3616, or cell 044-322-152-5494, Email clarkbill(at)earthlink.net.
 We invite everyone to join us for this year's Toys for Tots Vallarta Three King's Day toy distribution on January 11th, 2010. It will be time well spent! |

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