Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN January 14, 2010

| A group of friends surprised Sudy Coy, who helps out here with charities, especially R.I.S.E., with a gala birthday celebration at Mateo's and Sergio's Mama Rosa restaurant. |  | Finally... the city is spraying to help prevent dengue. How many persons do you know who have had dengue? I know neighbors and friends who have/had it. The occasional rain in December and January has brought out the mosquitos in our neighborhood. Certainly on my plant-filled terrace. I have bites galore on my ankles and on my elbows.
 New York City actress and theater owner Dana Zeller-Alexis will lead a writing workshop February 1 - March 8, "Building a Scene from Inception to Rewrite," concerning novels, short stories, memoirs and plays. It is sponsored by the International Friendship Club (IFC). The six classes will be on Mondays from 11 am - 1 pm. Register with IFC at (322) 222-5466. Call Dana Zeller-Alexis at (322) 223-2697, if you have questions.
 Private Chef Dolores Brittingham will teach classes at Essence of Cuisine Cooking School, Pilitas 204, condo 2B, on January 14 and 28. The Mexican theme is Oaxacan mole with pork loin. For further information, email y_brittingham(at)hotmail.com.
 Singer Kim Kuzma opens January 7 - 28 at Club Manana in El Cabaret, on Basilio Badillo, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Then back to bite me! Beach Club during March.
 Fellow Washington, D.C., area resident, Elaine Babcock, who winters here, praises San Javier Hospital after being hospitalized for pneumonia. "San Javier gives great care." She praised Dr. Rios, Dr. Matilla and Dr. Lopez, along with the nurses... even the hospital food!
 The next Becas Breakfast is at 9:30 am on Wednesday, January 20, at Daiquiri Dick's on the beach. If you have questions, call (322) 222-0566. Funds help support scholarships to educate local children. Click HERE to learn more about Becas Vallarta.
 Wonderful news! Jeweler and artist Cassandra Shaw and businessman Mark McCoy became engaged New Year's Eve. Cassandra says it was a surprise. They will marry in a civil ceremony in the U.S. during the summer, and will put together a big celebration at the end of November.
 Have you checked out the merry-go-round at Liverpool? Brings back wonderful memories.
 A group of friends surprised Sudy Coy, who helps out here with charities, especially R.I.S.E. (Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza), with a gala birthday celebration at Mateo's and Sergio's Mama Rosa restaurant. Dave and Pam Tomlin, New York City, hosted the party. Beautiful, tasty hors d'oeuvre were served. Inventor and businessman Sid Goodman displayed a candle on the pretty birthday cake. The candle first offers a spray of color, then folds out into a lovely flower, and then "Happy Birthday" plays. When Sid gets through the bureaucracy concerning the candle creation, he will sell millions! Happy Birthday, Sudy!
 Mexico's organized crime branch, SIEDO, is investigating five Canadians from Quebec in connection with the shoot out at Mandala on New Year's Eve. They are Eduardo Larenas, Daniel Jean, Eric Brochu, Daniele Ciampellietti and Martin Giguere, according to news reports. They were stopped in Jalisco state (includes Puerto Vallarta), according to reports, where the Sinaloa drug cartel (the biggest cartel in Mexico), is known to operate. The alleged shooter who wounded a policeman, according to reports, is known to be from Sinaloa, and others are reported to be in military custody north of Vallarta. The five Canadian men are reported to be detained outside Mexico City by military police. Canadian authorities are seeking information.
 A new Chinese restaurant, Palito Chino, 31 de Octubre #113, with a beautiful red awning, is attracting diners from the neighborhood and from the north Malecón to its eatery. The restaurant is across from McDonald's. The husband and wife owners, Chen Gio Li and Li Jian Chun, will prepare food as you like it. They also have a menu that includes price-set courses. They are friendly and are willing to please you. Tel: (322) 222-9230.
 Restaurant reviewer Gary Beck is freezing in the snow in Ohio while visiting family. Tough!
 The large building, that housed Tamari Restaurant years ago, and has stood vacant, is going to be turned into a fabric store. Should be quite a place to shop. Architects Carlos Preciado and Othon Sanchez are turning it into a lovely building.
 Al Garvey's showing of his art drew a crowd of art lovers and friends at Galeria Uno, 561 Morelos. Among those attending were realtor Oscar Gallardo, art collector Leslie Maracle, and our neighbor to the north of us now, painter, author and sailor Pat Henry. Al had just recuperated from dengue.
 We'll welcome back Ron and Peggy Roloff here in March. She is an author, and they are the grandparents on The Little People television show.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |