|  |  | Vallarta Living | Art Talk  
Peter Gray Art Museum Continues to Wow its Guests
Jerry Lafferty - PVNN February 26, 2010

| More than 100 people gathered at the Peter Gray Art Museum on February 24th for the opening of local artist Bill Megrail's exhibition. |  | A large gathering in excess of 100 guests were treated to fine art from the permanent collection and an exhibition from local artist Bill Megrail, tasty hors d'oeuvres, wine and a talented Spanish trio on February 24 at the Peter Gray Art Museum on the campus of Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUC). The occasion also saw Juan Antonio Llanes from CUC honoring recent donors to the Museum.
 The opening of Bill Megrail's exhibition marks the first of many such events planned in the months and years ahead. Bill will generously donate a large portion of sale proceeds to the Museum to help cover operating expenses.
 He sold 5 of his 36 works during the reception, and hopes to sell the remainder over the course of the 1-month exhibition. So plan to pass by the Museum to see his colorful, Mexican-themed paintings, while also enjoying the Museum's permanent collection and of course the beautiful CUC campus. The Museum is open Monday-Friday 10 am to 4 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 12 noon. Entrance is free.
 Seen in the crowd last Wednesday were many local artists including Ramiz and Nellie Barquet, Meg Munro, John Anderson, June Rosen Lopez and Jesus Tellosa. Also adorning the scene were Buri Gray and Nacho Cadena who head up the non-profit Board for the Museum, and Perla Alarcon Ortega representing CUC.
 A large number of guests signed up last week to become "Friends" of the Museum to support its continued operation and growth. For a membership fee of just 500 pesos ($40 USD) per year, members will receive advance notice of cultural events throughout the City, recognition of their participation, and most importantly the satisfaction of supporting such a cultural gem.
 To join in this support, contact Buri Gray at (322) 221-5285, Ann Lafferty at 221-6156, Elinor Prawer at 221-5032 or Dorothy Piontkowski at 209-0064. |

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