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Top Mexico College Spring Break Hot Spots 2010
Greg Jackson - healthyfinancialhabits.com go to original February 17, 2010

| Perhaps the busiest week for spring break travel is March 12th – March 18th. Just under 2 million college students will be on their way to sun and fun. |  | Year after year, Mexico tops the charts for hot spring break destinations. This year is no different from the past years. Spring break hot spots are sill in Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and Cancun. These spots are well known for warm weather and around the clock partying with thousands of college age students.
 The drinking laws in Mexico are a bit more relaxed than in the United States. Since the majority of students are not of legal US age many underage students are attracted to this area because of an opportunity to consume alcohol unrestricted.
 This year students from all around the United States will pack their bags and travel to destinations around the world. It is estimated that over 2 million college students will be on spring break over the next four weeks and the majority of them will spend their break away from home with other students from around the United States.
 This week is a fairly hot week with over a quarter of a million students out of school and on the beaches. Perhaps the least popular week for spring break is February 22 – February 26 when only 50,000 students will share the same spring break week. The beginning of March will be hopping again when another wave of over 200,000 college student’s trade in their back packs for travel bags.
 Perhaps the busiest week for spring break travel is March 12th – March 18th. At this time the majority of spring breakers will arrive at their destinations. Just under 2 million college students will be on their way to sun and fun.
 Are you part of the spring break wave and have not arranged spring break plans? If you don’t know where to go check out all the great package deals to hot destination spots in Mexico. Mexico has long been a favorite for vacationers of all ages. It’s hard to resist the warm weather and local hospitality. |

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