Arts for Heart Auction - A Call For Help!
Mercedes Sanchez - PVNN February 18, 2010
 On March 4th, La Cuiza Gallery & Bar on the Isla Rio Cuale will be hosting an art auction to raise money for 1-1/2 year old Angela, who was born with a damaged heart. Angela is the daughter of one of our featured artists, Amed Rahem, who needs your help to cover the cost of her next operation.
 Angela's first operation on Christmas Eve was successful, but now she is on medicine that costs $2000 pesos per month, and is schedule for a second open heart surgery on February 19th. If the operation goes well, she will recover to be a normal healthy young lady.
 The operation that is tentatively scheduled for February 19th (if there is space in the hospital), will cost around $70,000 pesos, so many of our artists have donated a piece of work to be sold at the March 4th event to help cover the medical expenses.
 As of now we have art by artists Clemente Hernandez, Steve Fischer, Martin Distancia, Philippo Lo Grande, Patty Smith, Pepe Guiterrez, Jose Alvarez, Bridged Lott, Octavio Gonzalez, Hector Montes, Cristobal and Trudy Mullen to be auctioned off for this worthy cause.
 Art works donated from private collections include paintings by Stephen Lokos, Jamie Rodriguez, and of course, Amed Rahem. We are asking all art collectors to review their collections, and if you have something you can live without, to consider donating it to the auction.
 For more information, or to learn how you can help, please contact Mercedes Sanchez at (322) 223-4776 or aisforartist1(at) or Ruben Cham at 222-8168 or ruben.cham(at) Arte de Corazon Subaste del Arte Mercedes Sanchez - PVNN
 Arte de Corazon apelamos a tu solidaridad! El 4 de Marzo 2010 en La Cuiza Gallery Bar (Isla Rio Cuale), se celebrar un Subasta de Arte a beneficio de una niña de año y medio de edad, la hija del pintor Amed Rahem.
 Angela nacio con una falla cardiaca. La noche de Navidad fue operada por primera vez. Esta lista ahora para su segundo operación a corazon abierto y, si todo va bien, ella se recuperar y sera una normal y saludable senorita. Dicha operación, programada para el 19 de Febero, costar alrededor de $70,000 pesos.
 Varios artistas han donado ya piezes para la subasta. Le pedimos a los collectionistas que revisen sus colecciones y decidan si hay alguna pieza que puedan donar al evento. Hasta el momento tenemos obra de Clememte Hernandez, Steve Fischer, Martin Distancia, Philippo Lo Grande, Patty Smith, Pepe Guiterrez, Jose Alvarez, Bridged Lott, Octavio Gonzalez, Hector Montes, Cristobal y Trudy Mullen.
 De collecciones privada Stephen Lokos, Jamir Rodriguez. Y por supuesto, obras de Amed Rahem. Por favor contactea Mercedes Sanchez en La Cuiza (322) 223-4776 o aisforartist1(at) o Ruben Cham 222-8167 o ruben.cham(at) para mejor information. |