|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Immigration Equality Fundraiser at Hotel Mercurio
Paul D. Crist - vallartaenfrentasida.org February 22, 2010

| For more information, call (322) 222-4793 or send an email to paulcrist(at)hotel-mercurio.com. |  | What: Immigration Equality Fundraiser
 When: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 7-10 pm
 Where: Hotel Mercurio, Francisca Rodriguez #168, Col. Emiliano Zapata, 1/2 block above Olas Altas on the south side of Puerto Vallarta
 Calling all the bi-national LGBTQ couples (and those who support fair and equal treatment for everyone) in Puerto Vallarta and elsewhere!
 Please attend our FUNDRAISER (that means bring your checkbook, cash and/or credit card) to support this outstanding US organization!
 Immigration Equality was instrumental in getting the US HIV ban repealed this year, and is working hard to get legislation passed that will allow a US citizen to sponsor his/her same-sex partner for permanent residency in the US.
 Today, 36,000 bi-national same-sex couples are forced to either separate or live outside of the US. That is not the case for straight, married couples.
 Bi-national couples are couples in which the partners come from different countries. Nineteen nations allow their citizens to sponsor their same-sex partners for immigration benefits. Unfortunately, the United States does not.
 Because of the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, even same-sex couples who have been legally married in U.S. states or foreign countries are not able to immigrate based on their marriage.
 Luis and I are an example... legally married in Massachusetts, but Luis can’t go to the US with me. Every day we hear from desperate couples, forced to choose between the partner they love and the country they love, which is why we are fighting to change the immigration law and end this discrimination.
 Win Chesson, from Immigration Equality will be on hand at Hotel Mercurio to talk about the amazing work this organization does, the success they've had, and what lies ahead. And Win is not shy about asking for money. He feels (and I agree) that it is a disservice to our community to understate what it will take to win equality for LGBT bi-national couples. Are you going to sit on the sidelines and be a free-rider? Or are you going to step up and do your fair share?
 I am underwriting the entire cost of this fundraiser (except the delicious canapés that Seth Cloutman is preparing!): Win's travel expense, all the booze for the bar (which will be a cash bar... it's a fundraiser), providing the space, and dozens of other details. I want 100% of every dollar, every peso that we raise to go to Immigration Equality.
 I'm stepping up to make a difference. Won't you?
 Besides... it's a PARTY! What better way to make a difference?
 For more information, call (322) 222-4793 or send an email to paulcrist(at)hotel-mercurio.com. |

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