| | | Vallarta Living
Honor Students Donate $5800 to Los Mangos Erika Yamada - PVNN April 29, 2010
| The National Honor Society students of the American School of Puerto Vallarta recently made a generous donation of $5800 pesos to Los Mangos Library. | | Under the leadership of Lisa Schalla Salgado, teacher at the American School of Puerto Vallarta, her brilliant group of honor society students have been very busy this past winter season. Los Mangos Library is honored to have received the donation from these students gained from their very hard work and talent. Puerto Vallarta should be very proud of these students and we all give them a huge thank you! - Pamela Thompson
The National Honor Society (NHS) students of the American School of Puerto Vallarta have recently given a generous donation of $5,800 pesos to Los Mangos Library. The money came from the regional Tri-Association award that was received for one of their projects Leer y Crecer, which is based in fomenting reading with small children.
Los Mangos Library works mainly with the donations they receive, due to the lack of municipal support, and therefore cannot always get all materials needed. Every Saturday, the Hora de Cuenta Cuentos takes place, and year after year they present stories in Spanish to the children with what they have. The donation from NHS was directed to construct a puppet theater (teatril), which will help them facilitate the story telling and make it into something more special.
Throughout this academic year (2009-2010) the NHS has contributed to our community in a number of other ways. A very significant action this fall was the construction of a library for the public schools Independencia (Matutina) and Amado Nervo (Vespertina) at the plaza in nearby San Vicente, Nayarit.
After the schools assigned an area for their library, members of NHS went to help paint the new place, cover the books with plastic covers, buy shelving, and read to the children. NHS students are always very active, donating books and supplies to other rural CONAFE schools every month and participating in encouraging the pleasure of reading.
These students not only help academically but also environmentally. There is a new project called Vive un Vallarta Verde, which focuses on maintaining a cleaner environment. Many beach clean up activities and recycling projects have already taken place during these months.
Erika Yamada is a senior at the American School of Puerto Vallarta and the 2009-10 NHS president.
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