|  |  | Vallarta Living  
How Do We Meet People in Puerto Vallarta?
Michael Green - TopMexicoRealEstate.com go to original August 12, 2010

| Getting involved with a local charity is a great way to meet some wonderful people and start lasting friendships. Over 1000 guests attended the 2010 Puerto Vallarta International Altruism Festival. (photo by Kathleen Dobek) |  | I have been working in the Puerto Vallarta real estate market for many years, and this is one of the questions I hear most often; "How do we meet people in Puerto Vallarta?" This can be a challenge for many new residents as they are moving to a different country with a different culture and language.
 So a good place to start might be to take a Spanish language class. Yes, this is a tourist town and many of the locals speak English. There are plenty of long-time residents who have gotten by without speaking Spanish. But you want to thrive, not survive!
 A basic Spanish vocabulary can always come in handy, and it can be a real pleasure to be conversational. Besides, understanding the language will give you a good insight to the culture and the Mexican way of thinking. Hint: "ahorita" does not necessarily mean "in just a minute"...
 There are many religious services and 12 step meetings around Banderas Bay. Expats in Puerto Vallarta is an informal group for Expats living around the Puerto Vallarta region or for those considering the area.
 The Art Walks and theater productions are in full swing during "High Season," and these are not to be missed as they are a great way to meet people and soak up some culture all at one time. You should also consider an active pursuit, enroll in a yoga or Pilates class, learn to play tennis or golf, take a sailing or diving class, or just get out and take a stroll on the Malecón.
 And to keep up your energy, don’t forget to patronize the local shops, markets and restaurants. Puerto Vallarta is home to a plethora of amazing markets and world-class restaurants, and they could all use your patronage right now.
 Strike up a conversation with the proprietor and you may be surprised with the friendships you can make. And as you discover special places, you will also begin to become a source of information for new arrivals and will have a topic to discuss.
 Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there has never been a better time to become involved with a charitable foundation. It is no secret that the economic slowdown has had a drastically negative economic impact on many regions of Mexico, including our beautiful town, and there are many people in need.
 Fortunately there are dozens of excellent charities in the Banderas Bay area. There are wonderful opportunities to help children, animals, the needy and make our city a better, kinder place. Besides the feeling of well-being that can come from contributing, there is the added benefit of meeting some wonderful caring people and starting lasting friendships.
 Best of all, you are not limited to just one charity. I have many friends and clients who are involved in several. So get up, get out and find your passion! And by this time next year you will be writing and asking, "How am I going to find enough hours in the day to..."
 Michael Green moved to Puerto Vallarta to take advantage of the unsurpassed lifestyle PV offers. Today, with over 12 years of experience, Mr. Green is one of the most recognized real estate brokers in Vallarta. Visit TOPMexicoRealEstate.com "Mexico’s Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely!" |

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