|  |  | Entertainment  
Vallarta Chamber Orchestra Christmas Concert
PVNN December 01, 2010

| The Vallarta Chamber Orchestra and Choir Christmas Concert will take place at the Colegio Americana on December 12th at 8 pm. For more information, contact VallartaChamberOrchestra(at)gmail.com. |  | When the baton is raised for the opening notes of the Puerto Vallarta Chamber Orchestra’s Christmas Concert on December 12, the symphonic sounds will reflect a visionary direction of conductor Don Bieghler.
 With thirty-plus years of band directing in Oregon, Bieghler worked to discover and develop new talent and to bring innovation and energy into musical presentations that helped inspire young musicians to pursue their musical dreams.
 Bieghler says that he was drawn to conducting the Vallarta orchestra by the opportunity to be involved in bringing the orchestra to a level of performance that fits with his own desire to grow and experience new things. He spends several hours each week preparing for the weekly rehearsals which he finds rewarding and productive. The musicians look to him for leadership, direction, instruction and musical interpretation. This is a daunting task for anyone to undertake.
 The program that has been chosen for December 12 is particularly exciting for the conductor in that the second half of the concert includes the Vallarta Chamber Choir. This choir draws from members of the Vallarta community and has come together specifically for this performance. They also meet once a week in order to prepare for this concert. "It is a thrill to work with these dedicated musicians," says Bieghler.
 Be sure to mark December 12 at 8 pm on your calendar. The Colegio Americano (American School) is located near the Plaza Marina. Admission is by donation of $100 pesos at the door. For further information, contact VallartaChamberOrchestra(at)gmail.com. |

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