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Expect the Unexpected in San Blas
Vic Pittman - PVNN December 01, 2010

| How a quest for a cheeseburger led me to one of the coolest bars ever and so much more... |  | Hamburguesas ...the signs are everywhere. I was surprised when I first came to San Blas to see so many hamburger stands. I love Mexican food, but every so often a taste of home is the cat's meow. Nothing says taste of home to me like a good cheeseburger. So I was comforted to find that even down here in San Blas, I could get a hamburger... or so I thought.
 Do you enjoy the sensation of biting down through the different layers of toasted bread, tomato, onion, bacon, cheese and lettuce? Forget it...it isn't going to happen. The "hamburgers" here are a different animal entirely. They usually are comprised of a slice of ham lunch meat ("ham" is in the name, right?) an equally thin patty of ground beef, lots of runny whitish cheese and if tomato, onion or lettuce are involved, it is chopped up finely like salsa.
 I was lamenting (bitching) about this to a friend of mine who seemed surprised that I had not heard about Billy Bob's Roadhouse and Honky Tonk right here in San Blas. He told me that the burgers, chicken club sandwiches and salads there were incredible, so I decided to check it out.
 My first impression of the place was great... eclectic-retro decor, a nice big bar and plenty of room. The incredible smell of chicken fried steak, potatoes and gravy filled the place that day, making me think about changing my dinner plans, but I was on a quest for what I was told would be an awesome cheeseburger.
 I ordered the cheeseburger basket and Glenda the chef (tall, beautiful and with a smile that will make you forget your first name, I might add) got right on it. Having been here a while, I am used to waiting... much more than I like to, but my meal was on my table in no time at all.
 You know in the cartoons when someone is in love and you can see their heart thumping through their chest? That was me when I saw and picked up that cheeseburger. It had all the bells and whistles... a nice sized beef patty, YELLOW cheese, nice thick slices of lettuce tomato and onion, and even bacon! I have to say that it was the best cheeseburger I may have ever eaten... anywhere.
 I was back the next day and got the chicken club sandwich that made me seriously consider proposing to Glenda, but I needed to get my nerve up so I ordered a White Russian from the barmaid Layla whose great smile and infectious laugh make the place very pleasant.
 It was a huge drink, was delicious and like all the drinks at Billy Bob's, had double shots. I had another then decided I shouldn't propose while inebriated (been there-done that), so Glenda was off the hook... that day. Her menu is versatile and her Chef's Specials are fantastic! The ever-increasing dinner and lunch crowd attests to her skills.
 Billy Bob's is a most interesting establishment. It is named after the owner, Billy Bob Bosen, who is as unique and interesting as his name suggests. He originally hails from Idaho, and while he enjoys the local cuisine and the abundant seafood here in San Blas, he loves homestyle American food. He and Glenda have created an oasis of Comida Americana here on the beautiful Riviera Nayarit.
 On weekends, a variety of local musicians perform at Billy Bob's... classic rock, country, blues, jazz and Mexican folk music can sometimes be heard all in the same evening. So far there has never been a cover charge.
 And if great food, generous drinks and good music were not enough, there is a live crocodile in the bar! "Fluffy" is a 15 foot long crocodile that "came with the bar." The experts at the nearby crocodile preserve said that since she is old and has been in captivity for most of her 65 years, to move her would not be good at this point. She lives in a "lagoon" in the courtyard just outside the bar.
 I went to the Halloween party this year and saw everything from horses in the bar (two of them), to a Mariachi band, to heavy metal that night with most of the music provided by Warren and John, the house musicians. Their easy listening style of music is great with most of their original songs written by singer-guitarist Warren who also plays a mean piano.
 Do yourself a favor and when you are in San Blas, stop by Billy Bobs. It is located one and a half blocks past (West) the main plaza on Calle Juarez. Bring an open mind and an empty stomach! By the way, I did indeed propose to Glenda and we are now happily married and living in San Blas with our dog, cat, and our raccoon, Santiago. |

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