December US Consulate Community Network Breakfast
Kelly Trainor de O. - U.S. Consular Agent Vallarta December 07, 2010

| The December Network Breakfast will be held at the Marriott CasaMagna in Marina Vallarta on Friday the 17th at 9 am. |  | The U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta, in conjunction with Community Service projects in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco and Riviera Nayarit, sponsors a monthly Network Breakfast. The December Network Breakfast will be held at the Marriott CasaMagna in Marina Vallarta on Friday the 17th at 9 am.
 Open to English speaking men and women, the objective is to highlight various community service projects throughout the community and promote networking between residents, frequent visitors, and local businesses. It will provide the opportunity to enrich our lives by making new friends, learning about the various projects in our communities, and meeting people from different walks of life.
 Each month the Community Breakfast Network will be held at alternating venues in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit. Current plans are for Vallarta Centro, Nuevo Vallarta, Marina Vallarta, La Cruz, Old Town and Bucerías. A service project will be highlighted and a "Bring-A-Thing" project each month will be the opportunity for participants to bring needed supplies for that month’s highlighted organization.
 Please join us!
 When? December 17th, 9 a.m. Reservations are required. RSVP to cristina.hernandez(at)
 Where? Marriott CasaMagna – Marina Vallarta For directions call (322) 226-0048 – Public Relations
 How (much)? $100 pesos Breakfast buffet & tip included
 Why? The U.S. Consular Agency Community Network Breakfast is a place to network, make new friends, greet old ones, promote your business-charity & find out what's going on in the Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta.
 What else? This month, we ask that you "Bring a Thing" to support the New Life Mexico Boys Shelter. They need bandages, cough medicine, athlete’s foot cream, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, washcloths.
 For more information, contact Kelly Trainor at consularagentpvr(at) |