Scheduled to take place at the Compo de Ensueno Golf Course on Saturday and Sunday, January 29 and 30, 2011, the 5th annual Jaltemba Cup Golf Tournament is a best ball, four member team, of which three members must be from the community being represented, with two players from one team alternating shots, playing with two players from another team alternating shots.
Nine holes will be played on Saturday and nine holes will be played on Sunday. The four person team with the lowest total team shots for the two days will win the Jaltemba Cup. Winner's names will be engraved on the Jaltemba Cup. Awards, raffles and auction will be held after play on Sunday.
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, middle of the pack and last a last place trophy. Also prizes for closest to the hole for men and women on specified greens. There will be a prize for the best team uniform.
Fees for the two days of play are, $400 pesos for members and $600 pesos for non-members. The fees include a meal on each day for the players and meals can be purchased for spouses and non-players.
The money generated from the charity golf tournament is being used to create a computer lab in the Secondaria Plan de Ayala school in La Penita, which all students of that age from Lo de Marcos to Chacala pass through. We are in the process of getting the required paper work ready for the three for one matching government funds, which will triple the amount of money raised in the tournament.
For more information, contact Larry Baron at (327) 274-3230 or clbaron6(at)