Puerto Vallarta - We’re coming down the stretch, folks. Just a few Bingo nights left to reach our goal of $200,000 for this very worthy cause. The amazing generosity of our participants is truly heartwarming. Over 65 players helped to raise $11,375 pesos on February 22nd at Nacho Daddy, bringing the total to $158,320 pesos.
Many repeat Bingo players attended as did quite a few newbies, but special mention must be given to a table full of wonderful Canadians who were playing 6 (SIX) cards each! I’m not kidding. I think a couple of them might have actually won a game. I know they were having a blast. They must have had a ton of bead markers at their table.
Yolanda, founder of Pasitos de Luz, announced that very soon they would be able to start building a new facility to house the day care center. Yolanda has been using her home all this time! What a dedicated and caring woman.
She told the crowd that the new place would be fashioned after one of the Walt Disney castles. Oh, the children will have a fantastic time once Castillo de Pasitos de Luz is complete. I know Yolanda will keep us posted as progress is made.
Half time provided an especially entertaining moment of our evening. The fabulous Mark Alan Smith amused us briefly with remarkable impressions of the “One and Only Cher” and the “One and Only Judy Garland," among others.
I think he also did the “One and Only kid from South Park" in this preview of his very funny show. The guy is a hoot. Several prize packages included a pass to his six night engagement at Paco’s Ranch, which he performed on February 24, 25, 27 and March 2, 4 and 6th. Thank you, Mark, for your generosity. Come and play Bingo with us again soon.
At one point during the evening, the excitement and enthusiasm seemed to wane. I don’t think that was the case, really. The folks playing 6 cards were concentrating on getting their beads in the right squares. I suspect the rest of us were doing the same. But, Juan Carlos thought it would be good if we all reacted, positively or negatively, after each number was called. That helped to liven things up again. I could hear Mark Alan Smith behind me using different voices to respond. Gave me a chuckle.
Just before the black-out game (game #8), I had to avail myself of the facilities. As a result, I missed several numbers. My tablemate tried to keep up but didn’t want to turn my cards and mess everything up. Well, gentleman that he is, Juan Carlos graciously repeated all the numbers from the beginning upon my return. Thank you, sir. I did not win the game but my tablemate, Dennis Smith, did. Congratulations Dennis!
Carol of Xocodiva did her normal animated job selling 50-50 tickets. The winner shared a significant pot with Pasitos de Luz. And, Casa Isabel graciously donated two certificates for a night’s stay for two at the delightful hotel with a stunning view of Banderas Bay. Robin wore herself out selling tickets for the two drawings.
Thanks again to all of our bingo players, donors and sponsors, we can't do it without you! It is so gratifying to see everyone taking such an interest in Pasitos de Luz. We hope to see you at the next Charity Bingo night at Nacho Daddy on Tuesday, March 8th, starting at 6 pm.