Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Since last year, PuRR Project, Puerto Vallarta's no-kill feline rescue shelter, has adopted out nearly 70 felines to loving homes. Most all of the stories are heart-warming, but this one really touched our hearts:
About two years ago, my best friend Sebastian, a chocolate Siamese who had been with me for over 10 years unexpectedly passed away. I was totally crushed by his loss, and swore that I would never be a traitor by getting another Siamese.
Well, as we know, time does heal wounds and I had been thinking that it may be time to get another companion.
Within two weeks of my arrival in Mismaloya, Mexico, I realized that the condo I am living in is isolated, and can be very quiet and lonely at times, particularly during the low season.
My friend, Ms. Letsz, who has been involved with the PuRR Project, suggested that we go to the PuRR Project farm and look at the different cats. She told me that perhaps an older cat may be a good option since they are not in demand as much as kittens are, and are not adopted as easily. I agreed and we walked into the PuRR Project farm with an open mind.
As I walked through the facilities, I was shocked at how clean it was, and how well taken care of the hundreds of felines were. Even more interesting was the fact that none of these souls were locked in cages…they had cots, beds, little kitty houses, lots of toys, etc. They all seemed very content, happy and well taken care of. If I was a cat and homeless, I would want to be staying at the cat equivalent of a five star hotel such as is the case with the PuRR Project.
In any event, there were many cats to choose from and I knew that there was one Siamese at the Project that I wanted to see. Well, as soon as I saw her and she saw me, she came running over to me. I sat down and began petting her and before you could even blink an eye, she was in my lap, looking up at me with those big, beautiful marble eyes... saying, “please take me with you.” Well, I did, and although Reina, formerly known as "Mama Gorda," has had some difficulty adjusting to condo life, I believe that she and I will have many happy years together.
I end with two thoughts: The first is that I wish more people would consider adopting older cats. They need love and homes just like kittens do, and are perhaps even more deserving since many of the older cats have had difficulties in their lives.
Lastly, God bless those who dedicate themselves to such a worthy cause by looking out and speaking for those who can’t speak or look out for themselves. The PuRR Project has saved many souls, and I am grateful that there is so much love and good left in the world to care for the less fortunate and forgotten. I know, I was a foster child... and I don’t think being a foster cat is any different.

Robert Nightingale and Reina
Mismaloya, Mexico