Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - We have made some changes this summer at the gallery. Phase 1 will be completed by October 1st, but like many of our projects, ours keep evolving. Thank you for your continued support that allows us to expand and improve Galleria Dante.
Three artists from Guadalajara have united to form "Andante" (Arte Nuestro Dante). The state of Jalisco has many talented artists and some of the best foundries in the country. Oscar Zamarripa, Guillermo Gomez, and Israel Zzepda have collectively exhibited in Vallarta for more than 78 years. All have public monuments throughout Mexico.
The name "Andante" refers to us moving forward with three museum quality artists from Jalisco who are always evolving. We have a full list of show dates for you this season. Galleria Dante will change the show room every two weeks, holding its openings the same nights as the Southside Shuffle. The Andante artists will change their show room once a month, and will also have their openings on Friday nights. At all our openings the exhibiting artists will be present with new sculptures or paintings.
For those of you unaware of the Southside Shuffle, it is a street party of sorts, held two Fridays a month, from November thru March. We offer cocktails, live music, and invite you to "Shuffle" between the 12 participating businesses in the area. Last year the Historical committee started beautifying our street with wider sidewalks and trees, making more pleasant to peruse the shops.
A Busy Summer for our Artists
Israel ZZepda spent 10 weeks in Sardinia, Italy painting 4 murals in these cities: Gonnostramatza, Simaxis, Oristano and Sansperate. He returned to Sardinia last week for another 40 days to paint two more murals as part of a mural symposium. He will be back for his November show.
Oscar Zamarripa and Joe took a three week road trip to Santa Fe to deliver his sculptures and those of Luis Espiridion to the newly expanded Brad Smith Gallery.
Luis Valui spent late August, early September in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania painting a mural on Gist street, gave a lecture "Forty Years of Painting in Mexico" at the University of Pittsburgh and exhibited at Mendelson Gallery.
Yvan Genest flew to Paris and returned with a wonderful group of paintings titled "The Paris Years Collection" from his years painting in his "Montmartre style" studio near La Bastille.
Guillermo Gomez and Joe flew to Houston to meet with clients in September and attend a cocktail party in his honor - a good time was had by all, including the two Hispanic drivers they hired for the visit.
Boback did two shows in Paris this year (in April and August) and was invited to exhibit in Nuit Blanc 2012 (white night) the biggest all night art party in Paris.
Juana Cortez and Oscar Solis flew to Canada to check out the Calgary Stampede, where Oscar submitted a painting and won 1st prize.
Upcoming Southside Shuffle Openings at Galleria Dante
All events 6 to 10 pm
November 11 - Solis & Cortez
November 25 Schmidt & David Zzepda & ODonnell
December 16 Hagen & Kauffmann & Javier Zepeda
December 30 Reno and del Campo
January 13 Boback
January 27 - Brockmann & Magana
February 10 - Sibley & Guerrero
February 24 Genest & Lambert & Zardoni
March 9 Valui
March 23 - Capeche & Costes
Several artists to confirm their attendance
Andante Show Dates
All events 6 to 10 pm
November 25 - Israel Zzepda
December 30 - Oscar Zamarripa
January 27 - Israel Zzepda
February 24 - Guillermo Gomez
March 23 - To Be Announced
9/11 2001: A Decade Later
It seems hard to believe that we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the 911 attacks. Remembering all of you who lost friends and loved ones that day, we want to again share with you Requiem by Guillermo Gomez, presented on the 1 year anniversary of 9/11. Many of you shared your stories of that day with us, upon seeing this bronze sculpture.
Gina Novendstern had two sculptures selected for a exhibit at NYU School of Art commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Galleria Dante will be reopening for the 2011/2012 Puerto Vallarta Art Season on October 1, 2011. For more information, please call (322) 222-2477 in Vallarta, 1 (269) 282-6865 or 1 (269) 282-8926 from the US or Canada, or send an email to info(at)galleriadante.com, galleriadante(at)gmail.com or dante(at)pvnet.com.mx.

Click HERE to learn more about Galleria Dante.