Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - After a breather in September and the beginning of October, Paradise Community Center is up and running and excited about our line-up for this year!
First a big thank you to those of you who supported our "Say no to Low" campaign through the summer season. Through August we continued to serve about 800 meals a week to children and stay-at-home moms.
This year we have plenty of concerts, theater, food events, seminars, fund-raisers, coffees, movies, and classes to offer. Some events are fund-raisers, others rent the Center, public meetings are free.
Here is the line-up for the next couple weeks:
Coffee with the Author: Tuesday, October 25, 10 am. The author is Robert Lamb and reservations are necessary through Expats of Vallarta with Sara: sarajwise(at)yahoo.com.
Oktoberfest Fundraiser for CompassioNet Impact Thursday, October 27, 6 pm. $250 pesos includes your bratwurst dinner plate and first soda, water, or beer. We'll have live music, German desserts, and more! Please purchase tickets in advance at the book and Bean, Deja New, Alex's Salon, or make reservations at tickets(at)ParadiseCommunityCenter.com.
We also have a well-received theater production coming up and there is still an opening for a person to play the husband/father. You will play a 50-60 year-old. If interested in an audition contact the Director: Dave(at)NorthAmericanTheaterCompany.org.
Our First Friday concert is coming up on November 4, and also in November we will begin hosting an Artisan Market on Wednesday nights. We're happy to learn that the Farmers' Market found larger space at the Emiliano Zapata School.
Also, our local community of faith, Worship in Paradise, will celebrate it's 4th anniversary on Sunday, November 6th at 10 am. Rumor has it that there will be a potluck and you're all invited!
Thanks for your support of CompassioNet Impact and Paradise Community Center where you will always find: "Good food. Good times. Good cause."