Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - This year, the Vallarta Yacht Club (VYC) season opening will actually follow the PanAmerican Sailing Event by one week. Many of you who participated in the PanAms will, no doubt, be ready for some less public use of our Club facilities.
As is the custom, we will start the day with the brief Flag raising ceremony which will include the hoisting of the Mexican, United States and the Canadian flags accompanied by their individual national anthems. And, in addition, the 2011-2012 Officer Flags will also be hoisted to the yardarm.
After this brief ceremony in the sun, Chef Israel and his staff will be providing some tasty canapés inside our now well air conditioned enclosed upper level. While enjoying these snacks, you’ll hear about the many events of the coming season and changes that have been made during the past summer months.
The afternoon can be spent just the way you want to. After all, "It’s Your Club." Again the Club will be ready for Mexican Train, Baja Rummy, Poker and regular Dominoes, etc. And, the kids can enjoy competing for the best pumpkin carvings before setting out to Trick or Treat on the docks and in the Mall. At the docks, the radio controlled model Laser races will be going on and a nonsensical special "Commodore’s Cup" race will be open to all.
For the evening, our Staff will be serving a special dinner complete with fantastic music and good ol’ camaraderie.
Hasta pronto at the Opening Day and often at the Vallarta Yacht Club!
VYC Opening Day Events Schedule
Sunday, October 30, 2011
8-10 am: Ham General Testing
11–11:30 am: Flag Raising
11:30 am–12:30 pm: Inauguration Reception
11:45 am – Commodore Welcome – Adults and Kids Sailing Relay Race in Optis
11:50 am: Vice Commodore Report (House, IT, Bar and Restaurant)
12:00 pm: Rear Commodore Report (Season Ashore and Afloat Activities)
12:30–5 pm: - "It’s Your Club"
• Commodore’s Cup – Adults & Juniors team-up for a fun Relay Race in Optis
• Baja Rummy
• Poker
• Dominoes
• Pumpkin Carving Contest
• Trick or Treat
5-6 pm: Happy Hour with "The Crazy Mariachis"
6-8 pm: Dinner Special
8:00 pm: Closing – Karaoke

The Vallarta Yacht Club is located at the Paradise Village Marina in Nuevo Vallarta. For more information, contact: The Vallarta Yacht Club at (322) 297-2222 or visit VallartaYachtClub.org.